
Monday, June 17, 2019

Bradley Hills Elementary After-School Program Leader Accused of Indecent Exposure Suspect also led program at Cabin John Middle School, according to school announcement

An after-school program facilitator at Bradley Hills Elementary School and Cabin John Middle School was arrested on six counts of indecent exposure on Friday, according to school officials.
In a letter to Bradley Hills families Friday afternoon, Principal Karen Caroscio told parents Ji-Ho No was arrested after “an incident” on May 21.
The principal did not elaborate on the circumstances, and school system officials and a police spokesman could not be reached for comment Friday evening.
The Run Club, led by No, is an after-school club offered at the school through Washington-based Flex Academies and Reston, Virginia-based Overtime Athletics. Overtime Athletics is a vendor for Flex Academies.
The Bradley Hills Parent-Teacher Association contracts with Flex Academies to run after-school programs at the school, according to a message sent Friday afternoon from the PTA leaders.
School officials became aware of the exposure incident the evening of May 21 and Caroscio immediately contacted police and placed No on administrative leave, according to the PTA message. A parent reported the incident to police...


  1. The defense argument: "He was suffering from cabin fever."

  2. We have learned that the notice to parents was sent on the LAST DAY of school. That was 24 DAYS after MCPS administrators learned of the incident.


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