
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

MCPS Assoc. Superintendent Applying to Be Interim Bridgeport, Connecticut superintendent

...Jonathan Brice
Jonathan Brice, an associate superintendent for the Montgomery County Public School system in Maryland, was the first candidate to be interviewed.
There were about a dozen observers in the audience. Some who had pushed for the school board to hold interviews in public, confessed they didn’t expect them to do it so didn’t come the first night.
Brice described himself as an urban educator whose trajectory from a poor Baltimore, Md., neighborhood to a doctorate from Harvard University included a stint as as a deputy assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Education. The district where he now works serves 163,000 students.
He called the Bridgeport job a perfect fit for his skill set.
If hired in Bridgeport, Brice pledged not to be merely a caretaker but to move the district forward and set the table for the individual who comes after.
He said he would focus his year in the district on curriculum, enhancing the district’s work in social emotional learning and the district’s significant budget issues.
“I would walk in with an established game plan,” he said. “One year gives me opportunity to ... create conditions so that the next superintendent can hit ground running.”..


  1. tired of interim superintendents. Hire someone permanently who can dedicate themselves to the district, instead of PTmers who will leave after they do what they think is needed. It's ridiculous that they have not had someone permanent. How can you take yourselves seriously when your one foot in and one foot out.

  2. Bristol Warren Regional School District in Rhode Island--
    We are pleased to introduce interim superintendent Dr Jonathan Brice! He has 26 years experience in Maryland, Florida, and Delaware and also served as Dep. Asst Secretary at the U.S. Dept of Ed. Join us for a Meet n’ Greet July 22nd, 6 -7 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.


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