
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

1994: SLIPPING TOWARDS SEGREGATION Local Control and Eroding Desegregation in Montgomery County, Maryland from Harvard Project on School Desegregation

Segregation in Montgomery County Public Schools was discussed in a Harvard University 1994 Report of a study of how MCPS was dealing with problems of separate and unequal education for minority students.  

Susan Eaton and Elizabeth Crutcher, Harvard University

Slipping Towards Segregation: Local Control and Eroding Desegregation in Montgomery County, Maryland

...“Segregation is a serious education issue. And the rapid growth of segregation for Latinos and African Americans In Montgomery County occurs both by race and poverty. This report shows that the share of African and American and Latino children in schools with relatively high levels of poverty was many times that of Whites and rapidly increasing in recent years as White exposure to proverty remained at relatively low levels. Since concentrated poverty is very strongly related to unequal achievement at the school level, this rapid growth of concentrated poverty conditions for minority students suggests growing inqeuality in educational experiences and the development of more schools suffering from the dual problems of racial and economic isolation. The county’s educational leaders are well aware of the link between concertrated poverty and education inequality but chose to attack it primarily through relatively small added resources for some the high poverty school rather than a plan to prevent the spread of such segregation.”..

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