Friday, September 10, 2021

Jury awards $5M after Baltimore boy with badly broken leg not given care at school

A Baltimore jury awarded $5 million this week to the family of a 9-year-old boy who severely broke his leg during a schoolyard football game but was provided only mustard and a washcloth to bite on by public school personnel who neglected to call 911 and left a voicemail for his mother, according to the lawsuit.

Upon hearing the message, Jacob Harvey’s mother drove to Furley Elementary School and sped her son – who had gone into shock – to Good Samaritan Hospital. From there, Jacob was transferred to the University of Maryland’s R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, where he underwent emergency surgery, according to testimony during the Baltimore City Circuit Court trial...

...The jury awarded the $5 million in non-economic damages Monday against Baltimore City Public Schools after finding the negligence of BCPS employees at Furley caused and exacerbated Jacob’s injuries. The award, however, could be reduced to $100,000 and will likely not exceed $785,000 due to Maryland’s statutory caps on non-economic damages...

...BCPS issued a statement Thursday that “while City Schools does not comment on the details of pending litigation, we are reviewing the jury verdict and determining next steps, including a request to modify the amount of the verdict so that it is consistent with state law. In Maryland, school systems are not liable for any amount exceeding $100,000 for injuries like this one that occurred prior to October 2016.”..,%2C%20according%20to%20the%20...

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