
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

ONLY ON WTOP: Children’s National ER employee cites staffing shortage for 10-hour waits

Children’s National Medical Center, in D.C., is in the midst of a staffing shortage as COVID-19 continues to affect more unvaccinated children and winter viruses, such as RSV, arrive early this year. One employee told WTOP it’s contributing to the longest emergency room wait times in recent memory.

An emergency room employee at Children’s National, who spoke anonymously to WTOP, fearing repercussions, expressed concern for patients who are waiting for care and employees who are working shifts without adequate staffing in a pandemic. The worker said emergency room wait times at Children’s “routinely approach 10 hours,” saying it happens two to three times a week.

“We are at six hours pretty much every day now in the busy evening times,” the employee said...

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