
Thursday, November 4, 2021

...If they recorded the event, please ask them to delete and not share it.” She followed up with another email to football team families Wednesday morning, amending her suggestion to delete video of the incident...

Locker room incident at Wootton H.S. prompts cancellation of football practice

...At Wootton, the first public notice that something had happened in the locker room appears to have been an email Tuesday night that Boldon wrote to the parents of football players.

“Please note that football practice will be canceled tomorrow afternoon to follow up on the incident,” Boldon wrote. “We also ask that you speak with your children about this event. If they recorded the event, please ask them to delete and not share it.”

She followed up with another email to football team families Wednesday morning, amending her suggestion to delete video of the incident.

“I realize that our earlier request to delete video was made to avoid social media intrusion,” Boldon said. “However, if there are videos, we believe it could be helpful in the school level investigation. Thus, if your child has a video, we ask that you bring any video to the administration’s attention.”..



  2. How nice of the principal to reverse her stance on deleting the video.

    Now tell me how to undelete a video.

    1. Undelete is possible, however Erase is permanent.


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