
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Sources told News4 that the incident, which took place in the football locker room after practice, involved an attempted assault with a broomstick.

“There is no chance that a sexual assault investigation began and ended in one day,” Rene Sandler, a Montgomery County attorney who has handled cases involving juveniles, said. “I don’t think anyone would accept that it would open and shut in a few hours in one day. Absolutely unacceptable.” In a letter sent Tuesday to football families, Bolden urged parents, “If [your children] recorded the event, please ask them to delete and not share it.” Her request was rescinded the next day. “To hear a directive from a principal for students and parents to destroy evidence in a matter, whether it's disciplinary or criminal in nature, is shocking and just beyond inappropriate and could very likely be unlawful,” Sandler said.

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