
Sunday, January 9, 2022

MCPS Parent to @mcps @mocoboe: "I urge you to re-evaluate the current reckless approach to the safety and well-being of our school community."

Friday, January 7, 2022

Dear MCPS, BOE and County leaders,

I cannot express the depths of my disappointment in your rejection of measured and evidence-based recommendations regarding the current phase of the COVID-19 crisis. 

In your current plan, staff and families are forced to accept a high risk of contracting COVID from in-person instruction. The only option for virtual instruction is once a child has been exposed to or has contracted COVID. This is an unconscionable dereliction of duty to our most vulnerable staff, students, and family members. 

In addition, I have concerns with your policies of inadequate: 

• Testing. Over 1,500 students, staff, parents and community members have implored you to use a "negative test to return" model to decrease in-school transmission and quarantine-related loss of learning. While sending tests home avoids the opt-in challenge, it is a poor use of a valuable resource. 

• Instructional viability and sustainability. Many MCPS teachers rightfully feel abandoned by your lack of consideration for a thoughtful, proactive approach to protecting the most valuable players for sustaining in-person learning. We must also consider the very real burnout of teachers for long term goals of learning. 

• Improved mitigation. I am grateful for the efforts to increase vaccination. I would love to see such energy in revisiting the highest exposure risks of the day: indoor school dining. Many volunteers are eager to support outdoor dining efforts. The effort requires guidance and expectations from central leadership. Build from your many schools maintaining outdoor dining even in these colder times. This is possible and essential. 

I also expect clarification about the quality of masks being distributed to teachers and improved options for students. 

Overall, I urge you to re-evaluate the current reckless approach to the safety and well-being of our school community. As it stands, I see no viable option for protecting our family from COVID while continuing my [child's] education in MCPS. 


Joanna Snyder, MEd MCPS Parent

Note from author of letter: The only thing I'd add is to be clear that equity concerns across communities is a concern for me. If a school goes virtual for any stretch of time the district should build from the equity hubs model to offer some form of child care support for younger families. 

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