
Sunday, January 9, 2022

MCPS Principal: "I want to acknowledge and apologize for the confusion and frustration that may currently exist due to a change in direction."

CHS Seal

A message from Principal Edward Owusu

Clarksburg High School Students, Staff, and Families,

I want to acknowledge and apologize for the confusion and frustration that may currently exist due to a change in direction. As many of you are aware MCPS announced a change to the criteria towards moving to a 14 day virtual format when a threshold is met of positive Covid cases (See HERE). If MCPS implements the virtual format at a school by school level, or system wide level, we will implement the directive. The factors considered will continue to include the number of students and staff who have tested positive; the number of students in quarantine; the number of staff absent for COVID-related reasons; and the level of spread of the virus in the school.

Please use this FORM to report positive COVID-19 cases in students or staff. Any individual who tests positive MUST isolate for 10 days (regardless of vaccination status or symptoms). Please view the isolation and quarantine calculator to determine return to school date.

At CHS we continue to highlight the importance of being safe while in a pandemic. The following are reminders of actions currently in progress:

  • Suspension of all Afterschool Non Athletics Extracurricular Activities - The non-athletic extracurricular activity program (ECAs) will remain suspended from meeting after school until January 21, 2022.
  • Sharing additional DAILY announcements over the PA system and during Advisory regarding the importance of adhering to best mitigation practices (mask wearing, sanitizing, staying home when sick, and getting tested for COVID-19 as needed).
  • Distribution of At Home Rapid Test Kits on Monday, January 10, 2022 (Prior to distribution, students and staff shall review information linked HERE.)

As noted in the MCPS message, schools will be providing at-home rapid test kits for all students and staff. All families will be asked to administer the tests to their children and then report any positive test results. Staff members have received KN-95 masks, and increased testing has occurred at CHS. At this time, MCPS will continue to use the same quarantine guidelines announced in November until further guidance is provided from the Maryland Department of Health. Individuals who test positive will need to continue to isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms, or 10 days from the date of the positive test for asymptomatic cases. More information is forthcoming - this may include a change to a shorter isolation time period.

Please check our school calendar for many events this week. There have been several changes to our athletics calendar. One overall change is the decision to pause spectators at all athletic events until January 15. This decision will be reassessed on January at that time.

Counselors continue meeting with students in grades 9-11 to complete their registration for the 2022-2023 school year starting on January 3rd. This will occur for student in one of their English classes this week. Our Course Bulletin and Registration Cards were already provided to our students. Please refer to the following information and resources that will help students make their course selections including step by step instructions on how to register through their Student Vue. You can also find this information in your English teacher's Canvas Classroom page and our Clarksburg HS website.

In this newsletter you will find information about the MCPS systemwide messages, PTSA Note, Winter Sports, Clothing Recycling, college and university visits to CHS, and more.

Check out the Weekly Newsletter here:

As always, thank you for your continued support and trust. And remember, together we are Clarksburg!

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