
Monday, February 13, 2023

Pass the Child Victims Act of 2023 (HB01/SB686)! Maryland: Protect Kids Not Predators

The Maryland Child Victims Act of 2023 will give survivors access to justice and help protect children from sexual abuse by bringing predators to light.

About The Child Victims Act of 2023

Read the bills HB001 and SB686.

Legislative Updates 

Email justice4mdsurvivors if you would like to help. 

Call To Action

What are The Child Victims of 2023 Act Goals?

Arm trusted adults with information to protect children

Shift the cost of abuse from victims to those who caused the harm

Provide a path to justice for victims ready to come forward

Identify Hidden Predators

Disclose facts of sex abuse epidemic to the public

The 2023 Child Victims Act :

It’s important to understand the key elements of the bill:

  1. The legislation will eliminate the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse.
  2. It will repeal the so-called "statute of repose".
  3. It will create a permanent window for older claims.
  4. It will allow both public and private entities to be sued.
  5. It will eliminate the notice of claims deadlines for public entities in child sexual abuse cases.
  6. The legislation will have some limitations on liability to a single claimant for injuries arising from a single incident or occurrence:
    1. for retroactive claims (the statute of limitations has already run):
      • for private entities:
        1. $1.5 million cap on non-economic damages
        2. no cap on economic damages
      • for public entities:
        1. $850,000 cap for damages
    2. for prospective claims (the statute of limitations has not run):
      • for private entities
        1. no caps on either economic or non-economic claims
      • for public entities
        1. $850,000 cap for damages

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