
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Confirmed: Board President Karla Silvestre and Vice President Shebra Evans Violated Maryland Law in Hiring Outside Law Firm without Board of Education Approval.

At today's Montgomery County Council hearing on MCPS' handling of sexual harassment allegations made regarding a recently promoted principal, questions were raised about the contract to hire the outside law firm Jackson Lewis, PC.

In response to a question from a Councilmember, Board of Education President Karla Silvestre confirmed what the Parents' Coalition had uncovered on August 23, 2023, that Ms. Silvestre was operating outside of the authority of the Board of Education in hiring Jackson Lewis PC to run an "investigation."  The video below shows the question and Ms. Silvestre's answer.    

The Jackson Lewis PC law firm was not hired by the Montgomery County Board of Education to perform any investigation.  

The law firm was hired by Ms. Silvestre, Ms. Evans and Superintendent McKnight during a private meeting that did not comply with Maryland law with regard to Board of Education actions or with regard to public school procurement laws, policies or procedures. 

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