To my District 12 representatives,
Many of the people I have helped in the past with public school issues for their kids with disabilities now have adult children with disabilities. It is truly immoral that the governor is proposing to cut the DDA (Developmental Disabilities Administration) funding the way that he has. His slogan of leaving no one behind is a slap in the face to the people who need the most help. I believe that there are places where the DDA funding is not being used appropriately. But, instead of investigating fraud, he is using a bulldozer to dismantle services for people and their families who have struggled their whole lives. It reminds me of what Trump is doing on a larger scale. Surely there are places where the budget can be reduced in other places that are not going to have the devastating effects of this proposal. In fact, I know there are after working for 3 different state agencies.
The governor seems almost proud of his cuts to people with disabilities with his press release of also cutting funding for K-12 special education nonpublic schools. This is where a small percentage of the most disabled students must go because the public schools can't meet their needs. By cutting this funding, it will force local school systems to keep more kids in the public school - when they know they can't meet their needs. That is a reality because they can't afford anything else with the unfunded mandates of the Blueprint. So, more children will regress as a result. This impacts the rest of their lives and it will end up costing more when they are adults.
It is truly shameful that the governor, and maybe the legislature, is leaving behind our most vulnerable people. What do you think is more important - giving raises to state employees or meeting the daily needs of people with disabilities?
I hope you will fight for the rights of this group of people when you make decisions on the budget.
Barb Krupiarz
Wes Moore is a disappointing governor. He chooses to kick the most vulnerable of our community with budget cuts. He blew through a budget surplus and this is what we are left with. Vote him out.