
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Starr Robbing High School Copiers to Send $$ to Private Company

Here's an interesting fact from Superintendent Joshua Starr's FY 2014 MCPS Operating Budget. 

Superintendent Starr is going to move $100,000 from MCPS to a private company without Board of Education discussion or vote! Obviously, that is not a legal budget item.  A Superintendent can't go around handing MCPS Operating Budget cash to private companies, right? 

The George B. Thomas Learning Academy is not a part of MCPS!  It is a private company.  In fact, as we have reported, the George B. Thomas Learning Academy even refuses to tutor students with special education needs.  But, no matter, Superintendent Starr is going to hand them $100,000! Starr is taking $100,000 from MCPS money used to lease and maintain copiers at MCPS high schools and hand it to this private company.

Tough luck for the high school teachers with copier needs, but a windfall for a private company!

Realignment  $100,000 from lease/maintenance duplicating to fund instructional materials for the George B. Thomas Learning Academy (Page 1-23)
April 26, 2013 Update on public funding for this private company.

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