
Friday, June 28, 2019

Prevention Services Clearinghouse

The Prevention Services Clearinghouse website has launched with program and service ratings!
Click here to visit the website

Visit the new website to view the ratings and details about the programs and services systematically reviewed by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse!

The Prevention Services Clearinghouse was established by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to systematically review research and evaluation on programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families and prevent foster care placements. The Prevention Services Clearinghouse rates programs and services as well-supported, supported, or promising practices, in accordance with statutory requirements. These practices include mental health services, substance abuse prevention and treatment services, in-home parent skill-based programs, and kinship navigator programs. The Prevention Services Clearinghouse is an objective, rigorous, and transparent source of information on evidence-based programs and services that may be eligible for funding under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act as amended by the Family First Prevention Services Act.

The Prevention Services Clearinghouse website allows users to:

  • Learn about programs and services rated as well-supportedsupportedpromising, or does not currently meet criteria.
  • Access information about the review process and ratings, including the Prevention Services Clearinghouse Handbook of Standards and Procedures.
  • Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions, including how to recommend programs and services for review.
  • Access information about program or service implementation and resources.
  • Sign up for email updates.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

ABC7: Ex-Damascus asst. principal charged with 2 DUIs assigned to new job at middle school

A former assistant principal at Damascus High School who was charged with drunk driving twice in less than two years will become an assistant principal at Col. E. Brooke Lee Middle School in Silver Spring...

Board of Ed Releases Only One Page of Three Page February Artificial Turf Report. Report Shows Whitman Got Taller Plastic Grass and ZEOFILL is Abrasive Infill.

Handwritten notations and highlighting have been added. 

The above page from a February Report on artificial turf infill was posted to the Board of Education's Agenda for the June 24, 2019, meeting (video of parent reporting on continuing injuries to athletes from Richard Montgomery HS artificial turf).

Also posted with this page of the Labosport Report was information from MCPS showing which field was referenced by each column of the chart.  We have made notations on the above Report showing which MCPS field the data refers to and what type of infill was used at each field.

Pages 1 and 2 of the Labosport Report were not made public.  

The Labosport Report shows that the Whitman High School artificial turf plastic grass is taller than the plastic grass installed at Richard Montgomery HS and Einstein HS.  The Report also shows that the Richard Montgomery HS infill is highly abrasive.  In addition, in the columns evaluating the ZEOFILL infill we see higher numbers for abrasiveness.

This Report shows that there is increased abrasiveness when ZEOFILL is used in the infill.

Why has the Board of Education been withholding this report from the public since February?  Students continued to use these fields even when the Board of Education KNEW there was a hazardous situation causing injury to students.

When will the Richard Montgomery High School artificial turf infill be REMOVED and REPLACED with a less abrasive infill?

‘It’s OK to not be OK’: How one high school saved lives with a 34-question survey

It was 10:30 a.m. on a Monday in April. Nine counselors, psychologists, and therapists sat around a table in a conference room at Cañon City High School in southern Colorado.

In classrooms around the building, the school’s ninth-graders whizzed through an online mental health survey that would soon deliver real-time data to the group in the conference room. They were a triage team of sorts — particularly interested in the answers to question 24, which asked how often students had had thoughts of hurting themselves within the past week.

By 10:35 a.m., most of the results were in. Over the next few hours, team members pulled students who had responded “very often” or “often” out of class for private one-on-one conversations.
The overarching message to students, said Jamie Murray, a district psychologist who helped coordinate the effort, was “It’s OK to not be OK.”

While many Colorado school districts have beefed up mental health supports in recent years, Cañon City’s decision to administer a mental health screening to high school students is rare. Many district leaders are wary of soliciting such sensitive information, fearing they won’t have the tools to help students in crisis or that they’ll be liable if tragedy strikes and they weren’t able to intervene.
“When they let me know they had been working on rolling out this universal screener in the high school, that was amazing to me,” said Brian Turner, CEO of Solvista Health, a community mental health center that embeds some staff members in Cañon City schools.
“We were hearing that no district would touch it because it felt so risky,” he said. “To hear that they weren’t fazed by that … was really refreshing.”..

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Breaking: Board of Ed Keeps Dangerous Field in Use Despite Testing Showing Field 4 Times as Abrasive as FIFA Standard. #SueUsWeDon'tCare #SuckItUpKids

Public Comments of Jennifer Young
Before the
Montgomery County Board of Education
 June 24, 2019
On Richard Montgomery High School’s Artificial Turf

Good evening members of the Board of Education and Superintendent Smith.  You
may remember at the CIP hearings in November a student from Richard
Montgomery who plays on the soccer team as a goalie, Molly Winchenbach.  She
testified about the unusual abrasiveness of RM’s new artificial turf field and the
resulting injuries suffered by student athletes.  She is my daughter.  She would be
here tonight to give you this update and make this plea herself, but she is at practice.  High school athletes never seem to have a season off these days.

To MCPS’s credit, after Molly’s testimony, they sent out samples of RM’s and Whitman’s artificial turf for independent testing to a lab in Canada.  Both
fields had been installed at the same time using the same organic Zeofill rock/sand mix but their effect on the athletes was drastically different with RM’s field causing substantially more serious abrasion injuries.  That different experience of
the athletes was confirmed by the objective tests.  Although in my meeting with the
Director of Construction and Director of Athletics back in February
to go over the
results of the tests, I was not permitted to keep a copy,
I wrote down the pertinent
results right after the meeting, so my numbers are within a few points.  There was
agreement in the room that the results were shocking. 
The abrasiveness of the field
was measured against FIFA’s standard of 30.

Old crumb rubber fields tested a 3. 

Whitman’s field tested a 20.  

RM’s field tested 128!
Four times the FIFA standard!

The lab tests also figured out why – the volcanic rock particles used in
the RM field Zeofill were much larger than those used at Whitman, and at RM, the
rock was layered with the sand like a cake, rather than all mixed together, as it was
at Whitman.  

Now that MCPS has verified what we have been saying all along – there is
something very wrong with the RM turf – it is so abrasive, it is tearing the skin off
the athletes, what are you going to do about it?
  MCPS thought that perhaps they
had solved the problem for this spring.  They had removed some of the fill and
tried to mix up the layers more by deep tining it.  The plan then was to just replace
the offending larger particle fill with the smaller particle fill gradually with regular
monthly maintenance.  But, I’m here to tell you, on behalf of my daughter and the
other student athletes who are using and will be using this field in the fall
regularly, that MCPS’s remediation plan is not aggressive enough.  I’ve provided
you with a picture of what happened to Molly’s leg the first time she slid on the
turf this spring to stop a ball coming into the goal.  The RM turf scraped off the top
layer of about 6 inches of her skin.
  This cannot be the conditions under which you
expect student athletes to play.  While all athletes may not experience the
abrasiveness of the RM field the same, it is particularly damaging to the students,
like Molly in positions, like goalie, who have to slide on the turf all the time.   She
plays on turf all over the county, both indoor and outdoor, and only receives
serious injuries like this from the RM turf.  

I understand that MCPS is in the process of asking the manufacturer of the
turf how much it will cost to replace all or most of the fill in RM’s turf all at once
over the summer.  I am asking you to ensure this remediation gets done
immediately.   (And any cost should not come out of CIP funds already allocated
to capital expenditures for RM, which needs substantial expansion over the
summer just to keep up with its ever growing student population.) You owe it to
the students whose health and safety you say are your top priority.  You now know
this turf is 4x the standard for abrasiveness, you know the reasons why it is so
abrasive, and you know what you need to do to fix it.  Don’t waste anymore time
while more students get hurt.  Do it now.

 Thank you.

UPDATE:  Board of Education sneaks February Report on to their website.

Trial of Albert Einstein HS Guidance Counselor Begins

Trial Begins in Sex Assault Case Where Liaisons Were Arranged Via Dating App

...Colin Sime Black, 35, was arrested in October 2017 and charged with second-degree rape, four counts of second-degree sexual offenses, two counts of second-degree assault and false imprisonment stemming from two interactions with women he met through the Tinder matchmaking service between December 2016 and March 2017.
Black was a guidance counselor at Albert Einstein High School in Kensington and was placed on administrative leave after his arrest...

Scammers pretending to be from Dell stole $610,000 from Fairfax County

...The Virginia case unfolded between August and September of last year, according to court papers. The government ultimately sent $1.3 million to Muli that was supposed to go to Dell for a public school program, according to prosecutors. It took several emails back and forth between Dell and the government to make clear the money was not going to its account...

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Unredacted report recommends Baltimore City Schools 'eliminate' grade changing

It’s only two sentences, but says a lot. After nearly two years, following a judge’s orders, Baltimore City Public Schools has finally un-redacted portions of an internal grade changing investigation it didn’t want the public to read.
“What it tells me is that what you uncovered, what Project Baltimore uncovered, the rounding up of grades is something that has been going on for a while and they didn’t want you or anyone else to get into the details of it,” said Clarence Mitchell IV, or C4, who hosts one of the region’s most listened to radio talk shows.
Mitchell is a former state Senator and grandson of a civil rights icon. Baltimore’s courthouse has his name on it. And he’s been paying close attention to Fox45’s public records lawsuit against City Schools.
“It makes me mad. It should make all of us mad,” said Mitchell...

Monday, June 24, 2019

This week my daughter’s school became the first in the nation to pilot facial-recognition software. The technology’s potential is chilling.

LOCKPORT, N.Y. — I have a 16-year-old daughter, and like every parent in the United States today, I worry about her safety when she’s in school. But here in Western New York’s Lockport City School District, those fears have led to a wasteful and dangerous experiment.
This week the district’s eight public schools began testing a system called Aegis, which includes facial recognition technology, that could eventually be used to track and map student movements in our schools. How that happened is a cautionary tale for other schools across the country.
In 2015, in the wake of Sandy Hook and other high-profile school shootings, our district was approached by Tony Olivo, a security consultant, who offered to do a free threat assessment of our schools. Later, he encouraged the school district to purchase and install a high-tech facial-recognition camera system developed by SN Technologies, a Canadian company whose sole surveillance experience was in the casino industry. But the software cost a fortune — $1.4 million for a district of a little over 4,400 students and an annual budget of just over $100 million.
Mr. Olivo identified a funding source the district could use to make the purchase — using money Lockport was set to receive for technology education under a 2014 Smart Schools Bond Act. Far from being an independent expert, however, he also stood to benefit financially from the deal. A proposed licensing agreement the school district was forced to disclose showed that Mr. Olivo’s company, CSI Risk Management, was negotiating a payment of $95,450 annually for five years. Neither he nor the school district would disclose what he was eventually paid...

MCPS gets more-detailed picture of equity problems

ROCKVILLE – A consultant hired by Montgomery County Public Schools found that schools with elevated levels of poverty had fewer high-quality teachers despite spending more money per student than schools with low levels of poverty.
In a presentation in front of the Montgomery County Board of Education on “resource allocations analysis” June 11, the consultant – Education Resource Strategies Inc. (ERS) explained aspects of that equity gap.
During the presentation, ERS partner Johnathan Travers discussed teacher quality as well as “instructional time and attention,” both of which, he said, can be used to measure equity.
“What does access to high-teaching quality look like now, across the system?” asked Travers. “There are a lot of ways of being able to look at and measure this.”
MCPS hired Education Resource Strategies, Inc. to examine spending per student in all schools, which will be required next fiscal year under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This act replaced the No Child Left Behind Act a few years ago.
“In accordance with the new regulations set forth in the Every Student Succeeds Act, school districts will be required to publish per-pupil spending by individual schools,” according to the request for proposal released in June 2018. “MCPS must prepare for the technical changes needed to report spending by individual schools.”
In the fall, per-pupil spending in schools will become public...

Thursday, June 20, 2019

94% of the students #MCPS reports to have been subject to seclusion in 2017-18 were special education students, and most were between 5 and 10 years old. More than 450 of the reported seclusion incidents were black students and about 150 where white.

Among the nation’s 30 largest school districts, Montgomery County schools report the second-highest number of incidents where students are placed in isolation rooms for behavior problems, according to a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
The report, examining the quality of the data the U.S. Department of Education collects on school systems’ use of seclusion and physical restraint, showed the Montgomery school system reported 120 incidents of seclusion in the 2015-2016 school year and 332 cases of physical restraint, both among largest totals reported by school systems with more than 100,000 students.
Baltimore County Public Schools, with about 45,000 fewer students than Montgomery’s, reported the largest number of seclusion incidents with 157.
The practice of isolating a student to a confined area has come under fire from education activists who say doing so impedes a student’s education and can pose physical and mental health dangers. School system leaders across the country argue seclusion is a last resort intervention reserved for situations where children pose serious safety threats to themselves or others.
The GAO report was prompted by concerns that school districts have been underreporting incidents of seclusion. The most recent data showed 70% of the more than 17,000 school districts nationwide reported zero incidents of restraint and seclusion, according to the report from the congressional watchdog office, but its analysis found the data does not “accurately capture all incidents of restraint and seclusion in schools.”

Nine of the 10 school districts with more than 100,000 students that reported zero incidents of restraint and seclusion in the 2015-2016 school year later confirmed they either did not collect the data or did not correctly report their totals. It is unclear how many instances of restraint or seclusion those schools had...

Today at County Council: Vaping in Schools

Vaping in Schools
The E&C Committee and HHS Committee will meet jointly to hear from representatives from the County’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) on vaping in schools. The purpose of the discussion is because of the rise in the number of young people who are using e-cigarettes, vaping devices or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). Many of these devices are hard to detect as they tend to look like computer thumb drives (USB), pen, or an item that students would commonly and appropriately carry. Those expected to attend include Dr. Travis Gayles, County health officer and chief of Public Health Services, DHHS; Dr. Jonathan T. Brice [Note Brice is busy looking for a job in other communities.], associate superintendent, Office of Student and Family Support and Engagement, MCPS; and Dr. Cara Grant, supervisor, pre-K – 12 Health and Physical Education, MCPS.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Frederick School board president should be censured and apologize

At the May 8 Board of Education meeting, while discussing funding for dyslexia training and intervention in the budget, board President Brad Young expressed his belief that advocacy should focus on other areas and told those in the public meeting, “The two or three students that committed suicide last year ... they can’t read now, can they?”
It is unbelievable that Mr. Young, as president of the Board of Education, an elected official and appointed leader, would make such an egregious, insensitive and flippant remark in a public forum as a way to drive home his opinion. It shows lack of decorum and ignorance of the issues at hand.
Just moments before, parents gave heart-wrenching speeches about how their middle and high school students have suffered emotionally, and how they were just recently identified as dyslexic and reading at a second- or third-grade level.
People in the room were moved to tears at the students’ stories, and then Mr. Young comments about student suicides and how those children can’t read anymore?

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

MCPS Assoc. Superintendent Applying to Be Interim Bridgeport, Connecticut superintendent

...Jonathan Brice
Jonathan Brice, an associate superintendent for the Montgomery County Public School system in Maryland, was the first candidate to be interviewed.
There were about a dozen observers in the audience. Some who had pushed for the school board to hold interviews in public, confessed they didn’t expect them to do it so didn’t come the first night.
Brice described himself as an urban educator whose trajectory from a poor Baltimore, Md., neighborhood to a doctorate from Harvard University included a stint as as a deputy assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Education. The district where he now works serves 163,000 students.
He called the Bridgeport job a perfect fit for his skill set.
If hired in Bridgeport, Brice pledged not to be merely a caretaker but to move the district forward and set the table for the individual who comes after.
He said he would focus his year in the district on curriculum, enhancing the district’s work in social emotional learning and the district’s significant budget issues.
“I would walk in with an established game plan,” he said. “One year gives me opportunity to ... create conditions so that the next superintendent can hit ground running.”..

Monday, June 17, 2019

Bradley Hills Elementary After-School Program Leader Accused of Indecent Exposure Suspect also led program at Cabin John Middle School, according to school announcement

An after-school program facilitator at Bradley Hills Elementary School and Cabin John Middle School was arrested on six counts of indecent exposure on Friday, according to school officials.
In a letter to Bradley Hills families Friday afternoon, Principal Karen Caroscio told parents Ji-Ho No was arrested after “an incident” on May 21.
The principal did not elaborate on the circumstances, and school system officials and a police spokesman could not be reached for comment Friday evening.
The Run Club, led by No, is an after-school club offered at the school through Washington-based Flex Academies and Reston, Virginia-based Overtime Athletics. Overtime Athletics is a vendor for Flex Academies.
The Bradley Hills Parent-Teacher Association contracts with Flex Academies to run after-school programs at the school, according to a message sent Friday afternoon from the PTA leaders.
School officials became aware of the exposure incident the evening of May 21 and Caroscio immediately contacted police and placed No on administrative leave, according to the PTA message. A parent reported the incident to police...

Friday, June 14, 2019

"Taxing the Ignorant" - ACLU Finally Steps Up to Defend MD Students' Right to a Free Public Edcuation

The Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, MD has repeatedly contacted the Maryland ACLU over the last 12 years to request assistance in eliminating illegal curricular fees in Montgomery County Public Schools.  The response from the ACLU was that they did not have the time to address this issue.  They believed the elected officials in Montgomery County would step up and do the right thing by our public school children. One ACLU representative termed illegal curricular fees charged by the Montgomery County Board of Education as:

"taxing the ignorant."

That implies that parents who know Maryland law will not pay illegal fees.  And that is exactly what has happened in Montgomery County.  Parents that know the law, don't pay the illegal curricular fees charged by MCPS.  Parents that are ignorant of the Maryland Constitution's guarantee of a free public education for all have been paying the illegal fees.  

Here is the lawsuit filed this week in Prince George's County regarding the fees the public school system charges for students to attend public school classes in the summer.

Prince George’s County students challenge summer-school fees, fighting for free public education

When Laurie Tucker’s family moved during her son’s senior year of high school, she was sorry to hear the last two classes he needed weren’t offered at his new school during spring semester. Instead of graduating, he has to finish up in summer school.
An even worse surprise: The family will have to pay for those classes.
On Thursday, students sued the suburban Maryland school system where Tucker’s son attends class in a bid to lift summer-school fees.
Students shouldn’t be able to graduate only if they can afford to, said Tucker, whose son is one of the plaintiffs arguing the right to a free public education is guaranteed under the Maryland Constitution.
Tucker was shocked by the price for summer school in Prince George’s County: $225 per class, which will be a burden for her family. Her husband works as a driver delivering donations to nonprofit agencies, she said, to support their three children; she stopped working two years ago to care for their youngest child, who is 4 years old and has a disability.
Prince George’s schools spokeswoman Raven Hill said it is policy to not comment on pending litigation. But she confirmed the fees: $100 per half credit, with a $25 registration fee, for county students. Those who qualify for free- or reduced-price meals because of their families’ income levels are required to pay only half of those amounts.
Students from outside the county are charged more, $645 for a full credit plus the $25 registration fee. Hill said the fees are mainly to cover the cost of paying employees who don’t normally work over the summer...

Thursday, June 13, 2019

MCPS Salaries $140,000 - $149,999

This information is current as of October 2018. This information does not include benefits or any other additional compensation.

Name, Position, Base Salary and Date of Hire:

Williams Kimberly Principal Elementary O $149,855.00 8/24/1994
Floyd Genevieve Supervisor O $149,694.00 8/29/2000
Reece Sandra Principal Elementary O $149,694.00 8/29/1989
Wallace-Stevens Renee Principal Elementary O $149,694.00 8/27/1996
Modarresi Shahpar Supervisor O $149,694.00 12/20/2004
Conolly Christina Director I P $149,420.00 7/24/2015
Ashton Stacy Principal Elementary O $149,355.00 8/28/2001
Rawlison Carole Principal Elementary O $149,355.00 8/29/2000
Jackson Duncan Principal Asst High NH $149,208.00 7/1/1998
Legrande Bernestine Principal Asst High NH $149,208.00 9/15/1977
Russell Susan Supervisor O $149,194.00 8/26/1982
Sample Carole Principal Elementary O $149,194.00 9/14/1998
Sherburne Mary Principal Elementary O $149,194.00 8/28/1984
Silverstein Roni Principal Elementary O $149,194.00 8/30/1988
Smith Jody Principal Elementary O $149,194.00 8/28/1984
Krotchko Hollis Supervisor O $149,194.00 8/30/2000
Marshall John Supervisor O $149,194.00 4/17/2001
Casper Meredith Principal Elementary O $148,960.00 7/21/2003
Fortune Michelle Principal Middle P $148,960.00 8/20/2003
Green Jon Principal Middle P $148,960.00 1/29/2001
Harrison Dyan Principal Middle P $148,920.00 8/25/1998
Sanders Jewel Principal Middle P $148,920.00 8/26/1999
Deeny Alicia Principal Middle P $148,460.00 8/20/1999
Bryan Amy Principal Elementary O $147,762.00 8/26/1993
Derby Lee Principal Elementary O $147,762.00 8/29/1995
Pulliam Cheryl Principal Elementary O $147,762.00 8/29/1989
Davis-Jones Aara Principal Asst Elementary N $147,762.00 8/24/1994
Logan Kisha Principal Middle P $147,710.00 8/21/2002
Britton Timothy Principal Asst High NH $147,708.00 8/24/1994
Collins Nathaniel Principal Asst High NH $147,708.00 7/1/2001
Harris Maychel Principal Asst High NH $147,708.00 8/25/1998
Danco Karen Supervisor O $147,694.00 8/29/1989
Jenkins Laurie Supervisor O $147,694.00 8/28/1990
Coates Wanda Principal Elementary O $147,694.00 8/26/1986
Long M Principal Elementary O $147,694.00 8/27/1985
Ehsassi Maryam Supervisor O $147,694.00 5/15/2002
Karamihas Adrienne Director I P $147,460.00 6/1/1999
Beidleman Joel Principal Middle P $147,460.00 8/19/2008
Sheron Stephanie Principal Middle P $147,460.00 8/28/2001
Krasa Shawn Principal Edison Tech Schl P $147,460.00 8/29/2000
McGuire Essie Executive Director P $147,420.00 8/8/2016
Steele Sharron Executive Director P $147,420.00 7/1/2016
Grant Marisa Chief Investment Officer NQ $147,420.00 8/7/2013
Fuller Dorothea Principal Elementary O $147,355.00 8/28/1984
Henry Lisa Principal Elementary O $147,355.00 8/26/1997
Allie Catherine Principal Elementary O $147,075.00 7/1/2015
Gadsden Zadia Principal Elementary O $146,952.00 8/26/1997
Webb Cynthia Principal Asst High NH $146,857.00 8/28/1984
Berry Jr James Principal Asst High NH $146,708.00 8/30/1988
Alonso Amy Principal Elementary O $146,575.00 8/29/2000
Dwyer Karen Supervisor O $146,452.00 8/14/1997
Boden Steven Supervisor O $146,355.00 11/7/1990
Bosnic Kimberly Principal Elementary O $146,355.00 8/25/1998
Gilbertson Holly Principal Elementary O $146,262.00 8/24/1994
Kenny Marlene Principal Sandburg Lrng Ctr O $146,262.00 8/1/2005
Hudson Ellen Principal Asst High NH $146,208.00 8/30/1999
Mamana III Joseph Principal Asst High NH $146,208.00 8/25/1992
Slough Janan Principal Asst High NH $146,208.00 8/26/1986
Tyrell Jr Rudolph Principal Asst High NH $146,208.00 8/28/1990
Kuhn Eric Supervisor O $146,194.00 1/2/1980
DeFiore Denise Principal Asst Middle N $146,015.00 9/28/1987
Steffan Scott Principal Elementary O $145,952.00 8/29/1995
Alban Kristin Principal Elementary O $145,575.00 8/25/1998
Brant Stephanie Principal Elementary O $145,452.00 7/2/2007
Doerrman Andrew Principal Asst Elementary N $145,208.00 8/26/1993
Breese Carlyn Principal Asst Middle N $145,208.00 8/28/1990
Ostrander Peter Coordinator N $144,979.00 8/29/1995
Cauley Dirk Principal Asst High NH $144,979.00 8/26/1999
Davidson H Dudley Principal Asst High NH $144,979.00 8/24/1994
Jules Maniya Principal Asst High NH $144,979.00 8/26/1997
Hoffman Joanne Supervisor O $144,952.00 8/28/2001
Swift Diantha Principal Elementary O $144,952.00 8/27/1996
Winter Andrew Principal Elementary O $144,952.00 1/12/1999
Brewer Dina Principal Elementary O $144,855.00 8/28/2001
Forkert Ryan Principal Elementary O $144,855.00 8/28/2001
Lowndes Jennifer Principal Elementary O $144,855.00 8/24/1994
Michela Donna Principal Elementary O $144,855.00 2/13/1981
Pisha Roger Supervisor O $144,855.00 4/3/1995
Clark-Harrison Arienne Principal Elementary O $144,575.00 7/7/2008
Dietz Nora Principal Elementary O $144,575.00 12/13/1999
Jean-Philippe Emmanuel Principal Elementary O $144,575.00 1/6/1999
Lashley Lakeisha Principal Elementary O $144,575.00 8/25/1998
Mann Sundra Principal Elementary O $144,575.00 8/20/2003
Nelson Tivinia Principal Elementary O $144,575.00 8/26/1999
Powell Mary Jo Principal Elementary O $144,575.00 8/26/1993
McGee Sean Principal Elementary O $144,452.00 8/21/2002
Brown Jeffrey Principal Middle P $144,210.00 8/24/2004
Bradley Vaughn Principal Asst Middle N $144,208.00 7/16/2004
Bencal Carl Principal Elementary O $144,075.00 8/26/1997
Collins William Principal Elementary O $144,075.00 1/3/2000
Mascott Brent Asst Sch Admin Sr/Mid 11 Mo N $144,075.00 8/25/1998
Harris Darlene Supervisor O $144,075.00 8/21/2002
Lucas Nancy Coordinator N $143,708.00 8/24/1994
Penix Rick Coordinator N $143,708.00 8/23/1999
Isabell Rodney Principal Asst Elementary N $143,708.00 7/1/2000
San Sebastian Luis Principal Asst Elementary N $143,708.00 10/31/1988
Vilkinofsky Joan Principal Asst Elementary N $143,708.00 8/24/1994
Orrence Jacqueline Principal Asst Middle N $143,708.00 8/27/1996
Reed Carrie Principal Asst Middle N $143,708.00 8/25/1992
Moore George Coordinator N $143,708.00 8/26/1970
Barber Harold Principal Elementary O $143,575.00 7/1/2014
James Bernard Principal Elementary O $143,575.00 7/1/2015
McArthur Moore Ayesha Principal Elementary O $143,575.00 7/1/2014
Nazzaro Pamela Principal Elementary O $143,575.00 8/29/2000
Sweeney James Principal Elementary O $143,575.00 8/24/1994
Gomez Dyan Supervisor O $143,575.00 8/26/1997
Montgomery Clark Principal Asst High NH $143,479.00 7/18/2013
Morales Nyurka Principal Asst High NH $143,479.00 8/25/1998
Brandes Doreen ATS New Hire Job Code $143,478.00 12/3/2018
Tarasuk Maria Supervisor O $143,452.00 8/25/1992
Alter Elliot Principal Elementary O $143,452.00 8/29/1995
Lloyd Kimberly Principal Elementary O $143,452.00 7/1/2011
Dardarian Anne Liaison, MCPS PGS's - MCAAP MQ $143,452.00 10/1/1993
McGaughey Philip Payroll Specialist 24 $143,416.00 5/1/2000
Fischel Faith Supervisor O $143,355.00 1/8/1990
Vandenplas Francoise Supervisor O $143,355.00 8/25/1998
Booker Cheryl Principal Elementary O $143,355.00 8/29/2000
Melnick Gay Principal Elementary O $143,355.00 8/29/1989
Taylor John Principal Middle P $143,210.00 11/20/2002
Bliss Mary Principal Elementary O $143,075.00 8/28/2001
Bolden Natasha Principal Elementary O $143,075.00 8/21/2006
Brooks Dara Principal Elementary O $143,075.00 8/21/2006
Brown Zoraida Principal Elementary O $143,075.00 8/29/2000
Cooke Keely Principal Elementary O $143,075.00 8/28/2001
Geiger Robert Principal Elementary O $143,075.00 8/25/1998
Moreno Rhonda Supervisor O $142,575.00 8/27/1991
Bradley Kathryn Principal Elementary O $142,575.00 8/26/1999
Craemer Mark Principal Elementary O $142,575.00 1/2/1996
Tarwater Jolynn Principal Elementary O $142,575.00 8/25/1998
Addison Kecia Supervisor O $142,575.00 8/24/2004
Ambush Allen Principal Asst Middle N $142,478.00 8/27/1996
Haas John Principal Asst High NH $142,303.00 8/25/1998
Smith Michael Principal Asst High NH $142,303.00 8/26/1997
Breiterman Regina Coordinator N $142,208.00 8/29/1989
Caroscio Victor Coordinator N $142,208.00 9/4/1984
DeGasperis Scott Coordinator N $142,208.00 8/29/1995
Budman Joyce Principal Asst Elementary N $142,208.00 9/29/1980
Jones Vernon Principal Asst Elementary N $142,208.00 8/25/1998
Ross Duane Principal Asst Elementary N $142,208.00 7/1/2006
Swann Holli Principal Asst Elementary N $142,208.00 8/29/2000
Giles Kevin Principal Asst Middle N $142,208.00 7/1/2005
Harley Tonia Principal Asst Middle N $142,208.00 7/11/2005
Johnson Linda Principal Asst Middle N $142,208.00 8/27/1996
Thomas Beth Principal Asst Middle N $142,208.00 8/29/1995
Valentine Stephanie Principal Asst Middle N $142,208.00 8/25/1998
Shinn Cathrine Coordinator N $142,208.00 8/29/1989
Kopnitsky Stacey Assistant Director II O $142,075.00 8/21/2002
Bloetner Sonja Supervisor O $142,075.00 8/29/1995
Brunson Melissa Supervisor O $142,075.00 8/28/2001
Geness Simone Supervisor O $142,075.00 8/28/2001
Sampson Tamisha Supervisor O $142,075.00 8/28/2001
Alexander Kristine Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 7/1/2005
Allen Yolanda Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/21/2002
Caroscio Karen Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 9/27/1996
Curry Scott Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/26/1999
Glawe Carla Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/26/1997
Heatwole Kyle Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/29/2000
Morris Kelly Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/21/2006
Robbins Douglas Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/29/2000
Rogovoy Stacey Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/21/2002
Ross Candace Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/26/1999
Seymour Lisa Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/25/1998
Walder Daniel Principal Elementary O $142,075.00 8/29/2000
Blaney Donna Supervisor O $142,075.00 8/27/1996
Rodriguez Regina Principal Asst High NH $141,979.00 8/27/1996
Williams Sandi Principal Asst High NH $141,979.00 8/25/1998
Burd Michael Principal Elementary O $141,698.00 8/23/2005
Thomas LaTricia Principal Elementary O $141,698.00 8/28/2001
Cline Jeffrey Principal Elementary O $141,575.00 7/1/2015
Donohue Kristine Principal Elementary O $141,575.00 8/25/1998
Hefflin Ann Principal Elementary O $141,575.00 8/29/2000
Heifetz Cassandra Principal Elementary O $141,575.00 8/29/2000
Mantzouranis Marybeth Principal Elementary O $141,575.00 8/26/1997
Tucci Daniel Principal Elementary O $141,575.00 9/15/1997
Allain Nicole Principal Asst High NH $141,303.00 8/19/2008
Awkard Tiffany Principal Asst High NH $141,303.00 8/21/2002
Lee Jae Principal Elementary O $141,198.00 8/20/2007
Pinkowitz Evan Principal Elementary O $141,198.00 8/20/2003
Redgrave Kim Principal Special Centers O $141,198.00 8/30/2010
Curry Stephanie Principal Asst Elementary N $140,979.00 8/25/1992
Glaspie Andrew Principal Asst Middle N $140,979.00 8/25/1992
Coleman Sheree Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/21/2002
Edwards Norman Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/25/1998
Gyimah Francis Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/28/2001
Haynes Bakari Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 2/18/2005
Heintze James Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/25/1998
Jasper Linda Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/27/1996
Koch Marie Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/29/2000
Leaman Jeff Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/29/2000
Neuman-Sunshine Joshua Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/28/2001
O'Neill Anita Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/27/1996
Pettis-Jones Tracy Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/29/1995
Singleton Ericka Principal Asst High NH $140,803.00 8/28/2001
Parker Pamela Principal Asst Elementary N $140,708.00 8/26/1999
Khouri Nina Principal Asst Middle N $140,708.00 1/8/1996
Musy Teri Coordinator N $140,708.00 4/1/1985
Klausing Thomas Administrator Spec Assign MQ $140,575.00 10/15/2012
Christman Andrea Supervisor O $140,575.00 8/20/2003
Owens Nichelle Supervisor O $140,575.00 3/26/2001
Smith Claudette Supervisor O $140,575.00 8/21/2002
Bernstein Evan Principal Elementary O $140,575.00 8/25/1992
Brown Stacey Principal Elementary O $140,575.00 4/13/1994
Burns Kevin Principal Elementary O $140,575.00 12/19/1997
Prin Margaret Principal Elementary O $140,575.00 8/27/1997
Ryan Deborah Principal Elementary O $140,575.00 10/12/2000
Wiebe Travis Principal Elementary O $140,575.00 3/28/2011
Williams Erica Principal Elementary O $140,575.00 8/23/2005
Beaubien Brian Supervisor O $140,575.00 8/23/2005
Moua Shoua Supervisor O $140,575.00 7/1/2013
Moses Sherilyn Principal Elementary O $140,198.00 8/23/2005