
Friday, May 31, 2024

MCPS decision to close virtual academy a ‘gut punch’ for families, students

Parents of students enrolled in the Montgomery County Public Schools Virtual Academy say they’ll continue to advocate for the district to fund the online program despite learning Thursday that it will close at the end of the school year.

According to a letter sent Thursday evening to Montgomery Virtual Academy families, the district has decided to close the program due to “budget constraints.” David Chia, a director in the MCPS Office of School Support and Well-Being, signed the letter.

“It’s certainly a gut punch,” said Sterling High of Takoma Park Friday, a parent of a fourth-grade student in the virtual academy...

‘I have no idea what I’ll do’: Montgomery Co. schools plans to shut down virtual learning program

...WTOP has reached out to Chia and the Montgomery County Board of Education for comment regarding the closure. The board was set to vote on the budget, which would have included a final decision on the academy, on June 11.

After a February hearing regarding possible cuts earlier this year, the school board decided to keep the MVA program, but said it would continue to asses the program’s value.

In an emailed statement to WTOP, a schools spokesperson was unable to say just how much closing the MVA would save the school system but that the board is “working through necessary adjustments in the budget.”..

Thursday, May 30, 2024

MCPS Administrator Closes a School without Vote of Board of Education #notTransparent #lies

Because why not? Why should MCPS administrators respect the elected Board of Education? Why should they respect State law on the closure of schools?   

Why should anyone in MCPS follow the Baldridge processes that have been written into Board policies? 

Why should parents believe anything that comes from MCPS in a Community Message? 

On Friday, May 24, 2024, MCPS sent out a Community Message that stated:

"Final decisions will not be made until the Board approves the budget on June 11."

And today (May 30th) a MCPS administrator sent out this letter:  

"...decision has been made to close the Montgomery Virtual Academy..."

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Feb. 2024: Loudon School Board Adopts $1.8B Budget, Adds Virtual Distance Elementary

...Kari LaBell (Catoctin) proposed an amendment to bring back Virtual Loudoun Elementary, including hiring seven additional teachers: four first through fifth grade teachers, one music teacher, one art teacher and one P.E. teacher. She proposed the funds come from the flexible staffing fund, which is typically used for positions for one year only and said they would reassess the need after that. 

LaBell said she had listened to parents struggle for the past year with worry over their medically fragile children and hoped the rest of the board “would join her in giving them peace.”

Chair Melinda Mansfield (Dulles) said the proposal to bring back Virtual Loudoun Elementary was a joint effort by all nine board members and the staff. 

Several Virtual Loudoun Elementary Parents have been speaking at board meetings for over a year asking for the program to be brought back. 

The amendment passed unanimously...

Monday, May 27, 2024

Commemorating Memorial Day

Remembering all the men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect our democracy, and all the families, the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, who lost loved ones.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Bullet found in boys’ locker room at Tilden Middle School

A bullet was found on the floor of the boys’ locker room at Tilden Middle School in Rockville on Monday, according to a letter to the school community from Principal Sapna Hopkins.

The MoCo Show first reported the incident and reprinted the letter Hopkins sent to the school community.

The incident comes after a handful of schools in the county received “swatting” calls and other threats which led to Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School being placed in lockdown on Thursday and Walt Whitman High School to evacuate students and Bethesda Elementary School briefly going on lockdown on Friday...

Montgomery County substitute teacher sues over denied religious...


A Montgomery County Public Schools substitute teacher says in a federal lawsuit that she was required to assist students as young as three years old to transition genders at school, in violation of her Christian faith.

The Maryland school district’s gender identity guidelines also require employees to withhold from unsupportive parents when their child is transitioning genders, unless the child consents, according to the suit filed Tuesday. The guidelines apply to students of all ages and a related form requires minors “exhibiting transgender inclinations or actions to identify a ‘Support Level’ they believe would be provided by their parents,” the ...

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Petition: Stop Montgomery County Public Schools' Anti-Black, Racist Culture

Petition in support of parent and advocates who interrupted Board of Education meeting this evening.


Montgomery County Public Schools refuses to address the concerns of Black students and Parents in their schools.  They elevate the concerns of other protected classes and ignore their role in the school-to-prison pipeline, reduced academic outcomes of, and harsher discipline Black children face in their schools.  The recent Office of Legislative Oversight report highlights MCPS's persistent School-to-Prison Pipeline.

They are so successful at being anti-Black that other minority groups have become anti-Black. 

At Herbert Hoover Middle School in Potomac, Maryland racial epithets are hurled at Black students, and Black students, especially Black boys, have been choked, kicked, assaulted, targeted by security guards, and persistently called "nigger" in class and the hallways by Asian students.  The principal, Dr. Yong Kim, her direct supervisor, Dr. Peter Moran, teachers, and administration turn a blind eye.

This racial harassment and anti-Blackness has been formally documented from 2022 to the present, and the principal has acted with deliberate indifference to pervasive assaults and harassment against black students. Principal Dr. Yong Kim has created a school culture in which anti-Blackness is accepted and she refuses to protect Black students causing physical, mental, and emotional harm.

This is not exclusive to this school but is a widespread, well-documented issue within the District.

We demand:

  1. Immediate removal of Dr. Yong Kim as principal of HHMS for violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for practicing deliberate indifference to severe, pervasive and objectively offensive harassment of Black boys by Asian and non-Black students, faculty, and the administration at HHMS, which has resulted in physical harm and unequal educational opportunities as Black students are in a hostile learning environment. Dr. Kim should also be removed for prima facie negligence for her failure to provide a duty of care and a safe environment for Black students that a principal providing a level of ordinary prudence would have exercised in similar circumstances. She has allowed Black students to be choked, kicked, assaulted, and persistently be called degrading and racist names such as "nigger" and "bitch" while at HHMS. This level of harassment and assault is unacceptable and obviously results in an environment that is not conducive to learning and makes Black students not want to attend school. The hostile, anti-Black environment impacts mental and physical health, grades, and results in unequal access to education.
  2. On April 11, 2024, when a Black mother informed Dr. Kim that she feared for her son’s life since her son had been choked, assaulted and kicked at HHMS by Asian students, Dr. Kim laughed. Dr. Kim and Community Engagement Officer, Amy Homrock Badge #1348, did not take the Black mom’s complaint seriously. Officer Homrock stated that "worse has happened to LGBTQ students."
  3. Peter Moran was recently promoted - he must be removed from his position. He has allowed this school’s anti-Blackness to continue for many years.
  4. Removal of Mike Hopkins as a guidance counselor and lead of the Minority Scholars Program and replacement with a Black-identifying guidance counselor. Mr. Hopkins is not Black-identifying and not an ally to Black students. He has questioned Black students with up to 3 adults (once including an unknown intern) against one Black student which is intimidating for minors and wreaks of the lack of due process. Mr. Hopkins has also forced Black students to apologize for actions they did not commit and often blames Black students for the assaults they suffer due to race. His negligence, along with Dr. Kim’s has led to mental anguish, anxiety, depression, and poor mental and physical health for Black students.
  5. Establishing a Task Force to address ongoing issues with Black male experiences and achievement within MCPS.  The experiences and outcomes of Black males is different than any other protected class, and should not be approached with blanket equity initiatives.
  6. Ensure that the PTA executive board works with county-wide Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, not against them. Ensure that there is a strong disciplinary plan for students and staff and removal from participation in school activities for parents who use or promote hate speech.
  7. MCPS should provide no-cost neuropsychological testing for all Black students at HHMS (and those forced to withdraw from the school) including screening for anxiety, depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and other mental and physical impacts of trauma, assaults, and the racist and toxic environment at HHMS.
  8. Removal of the Latino security guard due to negligence who provides no duty of care or safety for black boys and removal due to harassment and targeting of black boys due to race.  Removal of Mr. Rossetti, a security guard who has been negligent and failed to provide a duty of care or safety for Black boys. He also targets Black boys due to race. Previously, in 2022, another security guard at HHMS targeted Black boys and they were treated differently from non-Black students.  Mr. Darcy is also anti-Black and must be removed
  9. MCPS must pay for placement in another educational environment for students who have been severely impacted by their treatment.
  10. The CollegeTracks programs faces cuts in funding. This program and others like SummerRISE directly impact Black achievement; Do not remove or reduce their funding.
  11. MCPS must hire an outside consultant to address issues related to anti-Blackness and their role in the school-to-prison pipeline.  They are not the experts in this and continue to implement ineffective programs.


@mocoboe Goes Into Closed Session After Evening Meeting without Agenda or Notice. [Open Meetings Act violation]

Apparently the Montgomery County Board of Education has given up completely on following any procedures or laws.   

Why bother with the Open Meetings Act? They got their $3.3 Billion to play with, maybe they are planning their next holiday party? 

After a long day with a 7 hour Closed Session during the day, followed by an Open Meeting that was shut down twice by protesters on two different issues, the Board of Education ended their public meeting by going into a surprise, unannounced Closed Session without any agenda.

The Maryland Open Meetings Act requires that a board hold an open session to vote on going into a closed session. At the open session, the closed session agenda is to be announced and voted on.  A closed session is a choice, it's not required and the public has the right to know what a board is going to discuss in a closed session before the closed session begins.   

But who cares? Watch as the Montgomery County Board of Education ignores the Maryland Open Meetings Act.

@mocoboe Holds Marathon 7 Hour Closed Session Meeting [Open/Transparent]

Today, the Montgomery County Board of Education went into a 7 hour Closed Session.  

The Board of Education was behind closed doors from 9 AM until 4 PM. 

The posted Agenda is pretty short considering the amount of time the Board of Education spent behind closed doors.  Although the 7 hour meeting probably included a catered breakfast and lunch. 

Open and transparent?  Probably not today.$file/240523 Resolution for Todays Closed Session Revised.pdf

Montgomery County Council adopts a $7.1 billion county budget. Here’s what you need to know.

...Even though the budget includes the highest-ever amount of funding for Montgomery County Public Schools, two council members abstained from voting on that portion of the budget. Councilmembers Will Jawando (At-Large) and Kristin Mink (District 5) said they were concerned that not fully funding the school board’s recommended spending plan would potentially lead to cuts, layoffs and increased class sizes...

Board of Education Considers Cutting 143 Teaching Positions

Montgomery County councilmembers were told Thursday morning that Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is considering laying off 143 teachers to make its budget work, according to Councilmember Will Jawando.

Board of Education members also are considering not hiring 177 people who were offered contracts as long as they graduated college, although they were not told which school they would be assigned. Those positions may be rescinded, Jawando said in a statement following the council’s approval of a $7.1 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2025, which begins in July...

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Cash Strapped Board of Ed. Found $550,000 for No Bid - New Tech for their New Leased Office Space.


But, MCPS teachers can't get any copy paper.

Note that this Resolution was on the Consent Agenda, so no discussion by the Board of Education.  The notation on this purchase claims it was a bridge contract through something called TIPS USA. 

We looked on the TIPS USA site and found this Georgia vendor.  They state that they are not minority or woman owned.  No opportunity for minority or woman owned vendors to bid on this contract.$file/Procurement Contracts 230824.pdf

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

MCPS, school board relocate headquarters to spiffy, new digs in Rockville

After decades of meeting in an aging former school, Montgomery County Public Schools and the school board have moved into a modern office building — at 15 W. Gude Drive in Rockville –complete with a board meeting room with fresh blue paint, a new sleek dais for members, rows of grey plastic chairs and six flat-screen TVs...

Monday, May 20, 2024

Teen Charged with Four Counts of Armed Robbery

For Immediate Release: Monday, May 20, 2024

Gaithersburg, MD - A 16-year-old has been arrested and charged as an adult following multiple armed robberies in the Bethesda area.

Nytrell Tyshawn Parrish was arrested on Saturday, May 18, 2024. The teen, who has no known address, is accused of robbing the Tobacco Hub, in the 7800 block of Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda, on Sunday, May 12.

Parrish allegedly entered the store at approximately 2:08 p.m., asked to see vape products, and displayed a handgun. He then demanded that the employee hand over the items.

The same day, Parrish reportedly returned to the store at approximately 3:21 p.m., displayed the handgun and demanded cash. He left the store with an undisclosed amount of money and items.

Detectives from the Montgomery County Department of Police – Major Crimes Division obtained surveillance video from both armed robberies.

On Monday, May 13, 2nd District officers responded to an armed robbery that just occurred at Geste Food & Wines in the 4800 block of Edgemoor Lane in Bethesda. The investigation by detectives revealed that a male suspect entered the business at approximately 7:10 p.m. The suspect is reported to have asked about the vape products, displayed a handgun and demanded cash from the register. The suspect left with an undisclosed amount of money.

Video surveillance determined that the suspect in the Edgemoor Lane armed robbery was the same from the Tobacco Hut robbery the day before.

On Tuesday, May 14, Parrish allegedly returned to Geste Food & Wine, displayed a handgun and stole an undisclosed amount of cash a second time.

Through the course of the investigation, detectives were able to identify and connect Parrish to each of the armed robberies.

Parrish has been charged with four counts of armed robbery, four counts of firearm used in a violent crime, and other related charges.

He is currently being held without bond.


# # #

Friday, May 17, 2024

BOE Election Coverage: Three school board seats up for grabs in contentious Montgomery County race

ROCKVILLE, Md. - Voters in Maryland are casting their ballots Tuesday, including for key races on county school boards. In Montgomery County, three seats are up for grabs. At Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, no classes are being held due to the primary. While there are elections for president and Congress, the school board races have equal, if not greater, importance for voters today. Three of the seven seats on the Montgomery County School Board are on the ballot. All three incumbents are running, with a total of 14 candidates vying for the non-partisan, four-year terms...

...Some residents, like Janis Zink Sartucci from the Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, expressed skepticism about the impact of the election outcomes. "I've been observing the Board of Education for over 20 years," Sartucci said. "In the past decade, I've seen them gradually relinquish power to superintendents and various MCPS administrators. Many school-related and budget-related decisions are now made outside the board's purview."..

Monday, May 13, 2024

B-CC student allegedly brought gun to school, later fled building

...In the letter, Mooney wrote the student allegedly had a “weapon” on campus and did not specify what type of weapon. Cram confirmed the weapon was a gun.

For the remainder of the school day, the school had an increased security presence “out of an abundance of caution,” Mooney wrote. That means the number of security guards and staff assigned for monitoring was increased, according to Cram.

County police did not immediately respond to MoCo360’s request for comment Monday afternoon...

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

Wishing a wonderful Mother's Day to all our moms, grandmothers, aunts and cousins. Thank you for all you do and for always being there for us.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Kennedy High Students ‘Fed Up’ with Current Security Issues

Wednesday evening at Kennedy High School in Silver Spring, members of the community gathered to address safety concerns at the school.

Over this past school year several unsettling events have threatened the peace of mind and security of students. In the fall, bomb threats put them on lockdown. In January, a fight broke out at a basketball game and a security guard was injured. Most recently, a knife-wielding former student gained entry into the school while it was in session.

At an April meeting of the Board of Education, English teacher David Gebler told members, “The halls reek of marijuana.”..

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Antifreeze leak on MCPS bus transporting students raises concerns about maintenance, safety

Petition demanding investigation of Friday’s incident in Bethesda gaining traction

After a bus transporting Westland Middle School students malfunctioned and caused antifreeze to leak into the passenger cabin Friday morning, parents in the school community created an online petition demanding Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) address concerns around fleet maintenance, inspections and communication with parents.

As of the time of publication, the petition had 175 signatures.

The petition alleges that the students riding Bus 1113 to Westland Middle School in Bethesda “were subjected to a terrifying, traumatizing and nearly disastrous safety situation” when the engine in the rear of the bus malfunctioned and caused “eight gallons of highly pressurized antifreeze to be poured and aerosolized around the entire cabin, saturating everyone’s clothing, backpacks, and contacting skin and eyes.”..

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

TONIGHT: May 8, 2024: Meeting to Discuss Serious Safety Concerns at Kennedy High School @mcps @mocoboe

We know that the serious safety and security concerns that have taken place at Kennedy have been an ongoing source of frustration and stress for students, staff, parents and family. We've consistently advocated about the serious safety concerns happening at Kennedy to MCPS leadership, the school board and the County Council. We have now gotten school leadership, MCPS leadership and Councilmember Fani-Gonzalez to pull together a community forum at the school so we can address these concerns in the open, as a community, and hopefully develop a path to some solutions.

On May 8, at 6 pm, we are inviting the community to join us in the cafeteria at Kennedy High School for a Community Night on Safety and Security.

We want parents, students, staff and community members to turn out for this event. This is your chance to show to MCPS that we want them to take the safety and wellbeing of our children seriously. I'm also attaching the agenda so you know what the flow of the night will be like. Please come with your thoughts, ideas and questions. We will have partners from the council, the school board and other entities to answer questions and listen to your concerns.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

U.S. House Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Hearings May 8, 10:15am

Many of us will be watching tomorrow's House Education and Workforce Committee Hearing, which begins at 10:15.  MCPS has been subpoenaed to testify before the committee.

To watch the committee YouTube stream:

May 8, 2024 - 10:15 AM

Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education

2175 Rayburn

Opening statement:

  • Rep. Aaron Bean (R-FL)

Monday, May 6, 2024

Breaking: MCPS Keeps Bus in Service after this! "The engine in the rear of the bus malfunctioned causing eight gallons of highly pressurized antifreeze to be poured and aerosolized around the entire cabin, saturating everyone's clothing, backpacks, and contacting skin and eyes..."


To:  Montgomery County Board of Education
From: Concerned Parents of Montgomery County Public Schools Students

We are writing today with grave concerns regarding recent incidents involving the malfunctioning of school buses within our district. As a collective, we feel compelled to bring these issues to your attention and demand immediate action to address them.

On Friday May 3rd, 2024, students at Westland Middle School riding bus 1113 were subjected to a terrifying, traumatizing and nearly disastrous safety situation.
The engine in the rear of the bus malfunctioned causing eight gallons of highly pressurized antifreeze to be poured and aerosolized around the entire cabin, saturating everyone's clothing, backpacks, and contacting skin and eyes.

The main ingredient of antifreeze, ethylene glycol, is a toxic alcohol. It can cause chemical burns and can cause kidney failure and death if as little as two teaspoons are swallowed.
Firefighters used a low pressure fire hose to decontaminate all of the kids.

They said we were very lucky that the engine had not been running for longer, because superheated antifreeze would have resulted in thermal burns and a Mass Casualty Incident.
The children arrived to school tardy, soaking wet, with their possessions in biohazard bags.

The safety and well-being of our children should be paramount, and it is unacceptable that such incidents are occurring within our school transportation system.

Furthermore,  the same bus was utilized for transportation in the afternoon-- despite children reporting a smell on the bus, and seats and floors that were still wet and sticky.
This demonstrates a lack of oversight and accountability within the transportation department, putting the children at risk of further harm.

Regrettably, the problems persisted into the following school day, Monday May 6th, when the same buses broke down again, causing children to be late for school once more. These recurring malfunctions highlight systemic failures in maintaining the safety and reliability of our school buses, and they cannot be overlooked or dismissed.

It is imperative that immediate action is taken to address these serious maintenance and safety concerns within our school transportation system. As concerned parents, we demand the following actions be taken:

1. A thorough investigation into the maintenance protocols and procedures for school buses, with a focus on identifying and rectifying any deficiencies.
2. Immediate inspection of all buses in operation to ensure they meet safety standards and are fit for transporting students.
3. Implementation of a robust system for monitoring and reporting bus maintenance issues, with clear protocols for addressing them promptly.
4. Transparent communication with parents regarding any incidents or concerns related to school bus safety, including updates on corrective actions taken.

Our children deserve to travel to and from school in a safe and secure environment, and it is the responsibility of Montgomery County Public Schools to ensure that this fundamental expectation is met. We urge you to take decisive action to address these issues and prioritize the safety of our students above all else.

We look forward to your prompt response and the concrete steps that will be taken to address these urgent concerns. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter regarding our children's safety.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

'Rampant' drug use raises concern at Kennedy High School in Montgomery County

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. (7News) — A ninth-grade English teacher at Kennedy High School in Glenmont said what's happening at the school is also happening at other public schools in Montgomery County.

At an April 11 Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Board of Education hearing David Gebler told school board members the halls at Kennedy "reek of marijuana."

"Usually drug use occurs in our bathrooms but vaping directly in the halls is becoming popular, and make no mistake, the ever-rising opioid epidemic is in our buildings," he testified.

Gebler described the drug use at Kennedy as "daily, rampant, and repeated."..

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

BOE Candidate Keeps PTA President Position, Includes 5 Councilmembers in Elem. School Culture Night event. Is this a campaign rally or a PTA event for kids?

The Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) Bylaws states that when an officer of the organization files for candidacy for public office they are to resign within a week. 

Individual PTA Bylaws also have language that speaks to how the organization handles it when an officer files for candidacy for public office.

At North Chevy Chase Elementary School, the PTA Bylaws state that members in their official capacities shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or any political campaign on behalf of...any candidate for public office...

And yet, at North Chevy Chase Elementary School (NCCES) we see what is typically a night devoted to spotlighting the heritage of students turned into what looks like a campaign event.  20 MINUTES of the 2 hour Culture and Heritage Night are being turned over to 5 County Councilmembers and 10 minutes will be spent hearing from a current candidate for a Board of Education seat.  

Montoya uses her PTA position in her campaign materials.  Montoya's day job is General Counsel and Founder of Cannabis Patient Advocacy Association but that position is not stated on her campaign information.   

Here's how the Culture and Heritage Night is being advertised to NCCES students and parents: 

But here's what the proposed Agenda for the NCCES Culture and Heritage Night looks like. Students and their families are in for a surprise.

For reference, here's what a typical MCPS elementary school Culture and Heritage or International Night looks like: 

Is the May 2, 2024, School Culture Night at North Chevy Chase Elementary School a student centered, PTA event or a campaign event?