But, wait! Starr's memo made it sound as if the $300,000 would pay the Gallup bill. But, Gallup has had an issue with overcharging of late. That's why they are being sued by the Department of Justice.
So what is Superintendent Starr really going to pay Gallup? Not $300,000! No, he is going to pay this no bid, no compete vendor

Now, where did the Superintendent find that other $600,000? In a drawer?
And, when did the Board of Education decide that a survey that asks teachers "do you have a best friend at work" was more important than putting actual teachers in classrooms?
One thing we know for sure. Gallup has a best friend in Superintendent Joshua Starr.
Super Starr is still wowed by living near Washington. It is obvious he still does not understand the $250k annual salary we pay him is for work he does here in Montgomery County to better our local children's education. Wake up, Josh. Yes, Gallup has a really nifty building right near the WH. But if you grew up here you would know, that does not matter and that is not what it is all about. If you want access, quit your job and get a job with a national NGO. Stop throwing our money away trying to impress people in Washington. That's not how it works.