Special Education Legal Expenses
Special education legal fees for outside counsel for November 2012 totaled $59,003. The year-to-date total of $155,628 is $35,384 (18.5 percent) lower than the same period in the previous year. Total year-to-date special education legal costs of $155,627 are $86,518 (35.7 percent) lower than the budgeted amount of $242,145 through November 2012.
The Jeffrey A. Krew bill for November 2012 totaled $59,003 and included work on six cases. Three involved administrative hearings ($54,201), and three involved appeals to federal or state court ($4,802).
What would $59,003 buy? How many hours of paraeducator time? How much professional development? How much speech therapy or discrete trial training for a child with autism?
Urging social justice while spending $59,003 a month to fight requests for educational services by families of children with disabilities is the rankest hypocrisy.
Some of the appeals run for over a week, more than a murder case! Add the monies that the County spends on appeals and what the families spend and a child could attend private school for several years!!