Thursday, October 15, 2020

MCPS Students made more than 350 reports of sexual harassment, assault

The number of allegations of sexual assault and harassment made on social media this summer by Montgomery County Public Schools students now stands at more than 350, according to school district officials...

...Superintendent Jack Smith did not attend Tuesday night’s event but provided recorded remarks. He said “our entire community shares the responsibility in creating a culture of respect and maintaining a safe and welcoming learning environment” for students...


  1. "Most of the allegations were made on Instagram and involved current and former students, but some also involved staff members."
    High time for the Maryland Legislature to revisit Section 3-602 and put real teeth in it.

  2. The Annapolis directed advocacy
    Of the statute perpetual revision
    Results in either lack of accuracy
    Or falls short on word precision.

    Our dauntless justice champion
    Once again has boldly spoken
    Touting a proactive education
    To fix what has been broken.


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