...The Circuit Court case was to determine if the Montgomery County BOE violated the Open Meetings Act when it gave the Brickyard Road lease to Montgomery County...
"Brandman and Starr will pay?" Shouldn't the headline be, "Taxpayers will pay?" I don't think Starr plans to take any money out of his $250,000 annual salary for this debacle. No, the taxpayers will be paying -- again -- for the sloppy blunders of their elected county government and their public emmployees.
"Brandman and Starr will pay?" Shouldn't the headline be, "Taxpayers will pay?" I don't think Starr plans to take any money out of his $250,000 annual salary for this debacle. No, the taxpayers will be paying -- again -- for the sloppy blunders of their elected county government and their public emmployees.