
Saturday, December 30, 2017

How Accurate is MoCo Tower Committee Approval Process? They think Board of Ed. owns Fire Station?

The Montgomery County Transmission Facility Coordinating Group (Tower Committee) has just released their January 3, 2018, meeting agenda.

According to the Agenda, the Tower Committee will be approving without discussion a proposal to change the antennas on a monopole located at the fire station at 12100 Darnestown Road and owned by the "Board of Education of Montgomery County."

When did the Board of Education acquire a fire station?  According to the public land records for this location, the land is owned by Montgomery County, not the Board of Education.

How accurate is the rest of the Tower Committee's review of cell tower proposals for Montgomery County if they are not even clear on who owns fire station property? 
Answer: The Tower Committee review process is simply a rubber stamp and errors are frequently found in the submissions.   

How is the public to be notified of cell tower construction projects or changes if the only public notice is from a last minute Agenda that is not even proofread for accuracy?  

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Look at Sexual-Harassment and Assault Settlements in Schools

At least 26 public-school districts across the U.S. agreed this year to at least $37 million in settlements stemming from allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault of students, teachers or other employees, according to a tally of payouts by The Wall Street Journal.
The 26 settlements were reached in states from California to Connecticut and ranged from $30,000 to $8.25 million. They came during a year of higher-profile incidents involving allegations of sexual misconduct, including assault, by prominent men in politics, media and entertainment.
In 19 of the 26 settlements, the alleged victims were students; the remaining settlements involved suits filed by teachers and administrators. The Journal tally represents a small sampling of the more than 13,000 school districts in the U.S., and it couldn’t be determined whether the number of settlements are up or down this year compared with previous years because there is no central clearinghouse of such cases...

...“That’s the problem—this whole concealment of sexual misconduct in schools, and not being forthcoming of how much this happens,” said Terri Miller, a volunteer president of Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct and Exploitation, a research group in Las Vegas that focuses on teacher misconduct. “There needs to be a mandated, national clearinghouse, open to the public, to flag people that have committed sexual misconduct against K-12 students. It would include settlements.”...

Friday, December 22, 2017

Council Pres. Riemer Says Council Supports NEW Cell Tower on Blair HS Baseball Field

The Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, MD received the letter below from Montgomery County Council President Hans Riemer.  While Council President Riemer purports to speak for the entire Council there is no reference to a public vote of the Council body on this topic.   Did the Council vote in Closed Session to send us this letter and support the NEW cell tower on the Blair High School field?  We do not know.

Council President Riemer responded that the Council supports cell towers "near" local parks.  However this particular cell tower is to be constructed IN a local park on the Blair High School baseball field.  The Blair High School fields are owned by Montgomery Parks.

Council President Riemer also seems to have confused the Blair High School cell tower proposal with other proposals.  There currently is NO CELL TOWER on the Blair High School baseball field.  Park and Planning approved a NEW CELL TOWER for the Blair High School baseball field.  Riemer's statement that the Council (without a public vote) supports the co-location of telecommunications antennas is irrelevant to the Blair High School proposal to put a NEW cell tower on the baseball field.

MCPS says "...viewers misjudged the video."

Gaithersburg H.S. staffer expresses safety concerns

A Gaithersburg High School staff member informed local media about concerns for the safety of students and staff members after several fights occurred on school property recently.
Montgomery County Public Schools spokesperson Derek Turner said he could not confirm reports from NBC 4 of an Instagram account requesting students share videos of school fights.
One video shared on social media last month shows a group of three to five students fighting, with a school security guard caught in the middle. The cluster of people falls to the ground.
Turner confirmed the fight occurred at Gaithersburg High School and that six students were disciplined for the fight. The students were continuing to fight after the security officer intervened, not fighting the security officer himself, Turner said. The security guard was not injured, and an assistant principal nearby also intervened...

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Teachers accused of sexual misconduct keep getting jobs in N.J. Here's why [Insert MCPS - same story]

The little girls would hold his hand and sit on his lap.
They would kiss their first-grade teacher, and he would kiss them back.
Keep it a secret, he warned the 5- and 6-year olds. Otherwise, he said, they could get into trouble.
This alarming behavior, according to court documents, was no secret to Montville Township school administrators, who warned the teacher, Jason Fennes, to stop having physical contact with the children. Fennes' "inappropriate interactions with students" even cost him a raise.
Five years after the first documented complaints, Montville suspended Fennes and he resigned. But when a private school 40 minutes away called to confirm Fennes' employment dates, Montville school officials were bound by a separation agreement. They could make no mention of the kisses, the hand-holding or parents' complaints that the first-grade teacher touched their little girls too often.
With that agreement muting his former employer, Fennes got the new job — and subsequently sexually assaulted a first-grade girl less than a year after leaving Montville. It was the culmination of a string of sexual assaults he since admitted, including six victims in the Montville and Butler school districts and at Cedar Hill Preparatory School in Somerset...

Monday, December 18, 2017

MD Education Support jobs have declined while district leader and supervisor jobs have grown at 10 times the rate of teacher positions.

Since 2007, Maryland Has Added Just 385 Teachers Despite Gaining 40,500 Students

...That important students-to-teacher ratio? It grew from 14.3 to 14.8. During the last decade, Maryland schools only added one teacher for every 105 students gained in enrollment.
But teachers only make up about half of all school employees in Maryland schools. What about school counselors? There are 44 fewer school counselors now than there were in 2007. That’s not the only important position that has seen real declines despite the state school system taking on 40,500 more students. There are 1,915 fewer support staff positions — building managers, secretaries, food service workers, bus drivers, and many other important roles that make our schools function — in public schools now than a decade ago.
Meanwhile, district central office staff continued to grow while school-level staff stagnated and declined. The number of superintendents, deputy superintendents, program directors, and supervisors in the 24 district offices increased by 109 from 2007 to 2016 — or 10 times the percent increase of teachers during the last decade...

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Nashville Public Schools and #Me Too

Congratulations to Nashville Public Schools. You are now a member of the #Me Too community.

You didn't listen to those of us from up North in Montgomery County Public Schools. We told you that you hired a cadre of administrators who didn't work out in MCPS.

Did you believe us? Apparently not.

Did you conduct any type of background check? Doesn't look like it.

So, it comes as no surprise to us that Mo Carrasco, one of our formerly esteemed administrators WHO WAS REMOVED FROM HIS SCHOOL in 2008 for a whole slew of misbehavior engaged in the same behavior.

You've been Mo Carrasco'd.

And now my PTSD kicks in.

Our issues didn't involve improper touching, although there was a general sense that this occurred as supported by a lawsuit on record in our county. Lucky us.

I just went through my emails from April to June 2008, when my daughter was enrolled in the same school. I see emails where I tried to explain to the County Council what was wrong while the PTSA leaders and faculty defended the principal.

And, I see emails recounting to my friends the number of calls I received on a daily basis, at my office, at home, and on my cell from the principal.

RMHS Principal Moreno Carrasco is under investigation for a possible ethics code violation. <i>Photo courtesy of the American Immigration Law Foundation.</i>

And, I see other emails where I noted my concern for whether my daughter would be able to safely finish her senior year in high school without further incident.

And, the final emails saying Mr. Carrasco had done nothing wrong.


Yes, my child finished, and I have the picture of her shaking the principal's hand at graduation.

But it wasn't a pleasant experience, and I am sorry that another school, another school system had to have this experience.

Please folks - know that an experienced principal or school administrator, or group of administrators, doesn't simply find themselves available, especially as a group, unless something is wrong. Its not as simple as Montgomery County's loss is your gain.

Yes, the internet may have false stories, and its often hard to figure out what is real and what is fantasy.

But - if you don't look, you will never know, until your own school system gets hurt.

Mo Carrasco has announced his retirement from education, and this should be the end of his saga.

Be careful, and do your research, before you find yourself in a similar situation.

Friday, December 15, 2017

$110M lawsuit hits Brentwood, NY school district in MS-13 murder

Long Island, New York school officials knew MS-13 gang members were tormenting a high school student and had threatened her life — but they did nothing, according to the $110 million lawsuit filed by the dead girl’s mother.

For two years, Kayla Cuevas allegedly suffered through misery including taunting, spitting and having her pants pulled in school hallways by students who were known MS-13 gang members.

Yet Brentwood School District officials “refused to take action to rectify the problem of bullying,” according to the Brooklyn federal lawsuit Evelyn Rodriguez filed Monday.

For the full story go here.

When classrooms become a boys’ club

Walk into a Whitman classroom, and most students will appear similar. Students sit at identical desks, use identical Chromebooks and complete identical worksheets. But ask them a question, and a disparity will emerge: the students raising their hands are overwhelmingly male.
Since elementary school, I’ve observed this imbalance, but peers assured me the disparity was all in my head. So, last month, I finally set out to confirm my perception empirically. For one day, I tallied the number of female versus male participants in four of my classes, including AP Calculus BC and AP Comparative Politics, where participation is both frequent and voluntary.
The results were startling: overall, boys participated 3.1 times more than girls, even though the total ratio of boys to girls is essentially equal...

Thursday, December 14, 2017

85 percent of Boston schools will get new start times

In a move that will scramble the daily schedules of families across the city, nearly 85 percent of Boston’s 125 schools will have new start times next fall, school officials announced Thursday night.
The changes aim to let more high school students sleep in and more elementary school students get out before sunset. Boston now joins a small but growing number of school systems in Massachusetts and across the nation that have pushed high school start times later in an effort to get students to school well rested and alert. The hope is that students will perform better academically.
To that end, some 94 percent of students in grades 7 through 12 will begin classes after 8 a.m. next fall, up from 26 percent this year. Among them: students at Boston Latin Academy in the Grove Hall area near the Dorchester-Roxbury line, which will go from having one of the earliest start times, 7:20 a.m., to one of the latest, 8:30 a.m...

MCPS Ranks High Schools Based on New Data on School Climate

A MCPS teacher took the data and created a list of high schools using the data and sent it to The Washington Post.


...Here is his list of high schools ranked by the percentage of staffers who this year agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “Staff morale is positive in this school.”

Percentage on survey and percentage of low income/FARMS students:

1. Paint Branch, 77.9 percent, 34 percent
2. Walter Johnson, 73.4 percent, 7 percent
3. Whitman, 69.6 percent, 5 percent
4. Northwest, 68 percent, 25 percent
5. Poolesville, 64.6 percent, 6 percent
6. Einstein, 61 percent, 42 percent
7. Wootton, 59 percent, 5 percent
8. Blair, 55.4 percent, 36 percent
9. Watkins Mill, 54.6 percent, 53 percent
10. Wheaton, 51.1 percent, 49 percent
11. Damascus, 49.4 percent, 15 percent
12. Rockville, 48.6 percent, 36 percent
13. Richard Montgomery, 45.9 percent, 20 percent
14. Quince Orchard, 41.9 percent, 23 percent
15. Blake, 41.9 percent, 35 percent
16. Churchill, 39.7 percent, 5 percent
17. Northwood, 35.9 percent, 50 percent
18. Seneca Valley, 33.8 percent, 37 percent
19. Clarksburg, 32 percent, 27 percent
20. Kennedy, 30.4 percent, 51 percent
21. Sherwood, 25.4 percent, 17 percent
22. Bethesda-Chevy Chase, 23.9 percent, 11 percent
23. Magruder, 21.7 percent, 33 percent
24. Gaithersburg, 21.4 percent, 42 percent
25. Springbrook, 17.1 percent, 47 percent

Monday, December 11, 2017

This is social responsibility, and yet the governing body of Montgomery County's educational system, who is "responsible for the direction and operation of the public school system" has chosen to NOT utter a single word in defense of it’s most vulnerable population when they are disparaged and the butt of a joke?

A MCPS parent responds to The Washington Post article:  Md. school official apologizes for reference to people with intellectual disabilities  regarding Judy Docca's use of an offensive term at a public Board of Education meeting in July of 2017. 

To The Washington Post:

My name is Gena Mitchell and I am the parent of three daughters, one of which is a freshman in high school, has Down syndrome and has been a student in Montgomery County Schools since preschool. I am also an advocate for all individuals with disabilities, as the founder of a non-profit providing programs and events for not only the disability community but their communities at large, as well as having served on multiple boards since 2006 such as The Arc Montgomery County, DSNMC (Down Syndrome Network of Montgomery County and KEEN Greater DC. I am writing to you as both a parent of a child with a disability as well as a parent of a typical child in regards to your article about Dr. Judy Docca's use of the R-word. As appreciative as I am to your for bringing a spotlight to this situation, I feel it necessary to share my disappointed with the lack of focus on the failure by our very own Board of Education to lead by example when it comes to social responsibility. I feel that your headline is misleading in that I believe it suggests that Dr. Docca's apology was anywhere near acceptable, when it came four months after the fact, and only after being addressed by a parent in the community. We all make mistakes, say and do things we regret which are sometimes hurtful; but those that take on the responsibility for speaking on behalf of, establishing policy for and representing the special needs community on the Committee of Special Populations for the MCPS BOE should certainly be held to a higher standard. If this is the person voting on behalf of my daughter and all students with disabilities when it comes to their best interests, please tell me how this should not disappoint me. If the BOE states Respect as a core value and "...fair treatment, honesty, openness and integrity are essential; and the diversity of our culture, interests, skills, and backgrounds is an asset that makes us stronger..."; How can I not be disappointed that a flimsy apology was given by a leader on the BOE and did not even respect the population that it was demeaning to by addressing it to them, rather omitting them completely from the apology?

If the BOE states Respect as a core value and "...we will model civility in all interactions and encourage candid conversations..."; How can I not be disappointed with the lack of ownership IMMEDIATELY following her comment in July 2017 when civility was disregarded in the first place?

My daughter and all others with disabilities deserve better; and so do their peers who are typical students. It is not acceptable in a classroom, playground, cafeteria, or anywhere in a school to use the R-word. Principals and teachers across the county are constantly working with school counselors and staff on messaging about treating others with dignity and respect, and that different does NOT equal less, whether that difference is a disability, race, religion, gender, etc. This is social responsibility, and yet the governing body of Montgomery County's educational system, who is "responsible for the direction and operation of the public school system" has chosen to NOT utter a single word in defense of it’s most vulnerable population when they are disparaged and the butt of a joke? In a formal BOE setting no less? I have no words. Imagine this having happened at a singular school- by a teacher or parent at an assembly or meeting. Imagine how quickly a letter or email would be sent to the entire community- most likely by the principal. I am pretty certain it would have been next day at the latest, and would condemn the use of this word in addition to any other derogatory slur. Their message would highlight the values of the community and show leadership. I believe we all make mistakes, myself included. That is why my husband and I have taught our girls that it's not about the mistakes you make- it's about what you do afterwards. That is how the BOE failed its students. How can I not be disappointed that our ten year olds are held to a higher standard than our Board of Education?

Again, I thank you for your article. Without it, Dr. Docca's words would simply be a blip in an archived video of a BOE meeting. Instead, they are loud and clear. Pinpointed at the 41:20 mark in this video of the BOE meeting in July 2017, for all to see.

Warm regards, Gena Mitchell

Friday, December 8, 2017

MCCF Dec. 11th Meeting: Jennifer Alvaro of Bethesda Named MCCF’s Community Hero for December

Montgomery County Civic Federation, December 2017
...Ms. Alvaro wants to be clear that, while some positive changes and actions have been implemented, there is still no transparency in the process.  Abuse can only thrive in an atmosphere of secrecy, and Jennifer Alvaro will continue to advocate for transparency and action to protect our children.  That is why she is our newest Community Hero. Two months ago, even The Washington Post had to admit that another child sex abuse “case appears to be the latest of several in which a Montgomery County school system employee was admonished for repeated incidents of inappropriate behavior with students but stayed on the job and allegedly crossed the line again.”  The mandated reporters—principals and MCPS administrators—repeatedly failed to report incidents to Child Protective Services. Board of Education Members and County Councilmembers are not holding MCPS accountable for these failures to report sex abuse of students to the proper authorities.  Only two States have no penalties for failing to report child sex abuse, and Maryland is one of them.  In this literally lawless atmosphere, it is time the Civic Federation’s voice be heard.  Please see below a draft resolution to join the Parents’ Coalition in support of Ms. Alvaro’s quest for Montgomery County Board of Education to create a Web page that lists all known abusers and lists every school and program that each were involved with...

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Nassar "should never again have access to children."

Michigan doctor gets 60-year prison sentence for child porn 

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -- A former elite sports doctor whose sexual assault cases have rocked Michigan State University and the group that trains U.S. Olympic gymnasts was sentenced Thursday to 60 years in federal prison for possessing thousands of images of child pornography.
It's the first of three prison sentences for Larry Nassar, who will learn his punishment in state court in January after pleading guilty to using his hands to molest girls at his campus office, his home and at a gymnastics club near Lansing, Michigan, sometimes with parents in the room...

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Docca said she would’ve addressed the situation immediately if anyone had brought it to her attention. “I’ve apologized for the use of the word, which was very common when I was coming up. I’m very old, and it just really slipped out,” said Docca, 78, adding that she thinks her apology “should be the end of it.”

Docca Withdrew from Running for School Board President Amid Fallout from Comment: Board elects Michael Durso to third consecutive term as president

NOTE: A Montgomery County Board of Education member was contacted immediately when this happened, so the Board had notification and decided to do nothing.  That was a choice made by our elected Board of Education.

New Legislation Calling for More Transparency in School Cell Towers in Prince George's County

Delegate Alonzo Washington is supporting a Bill on School Cell Towers this session.

This Bill would would ensure that if a cell tower company wants to put a cell tower on a Prince George's County School they must hold a public hearing at the school before the cell tower is cleared to be built...

Pepper Spray Incident at Seneca Valley Sends 13 to Hospital

Somebody sprayed pepper spray in a girls’ bathroom at Seneca Valley High School this on Monday afternoon. The incident sent 13 people to local hospitals suffering the effects of inhaling the pepper spray...

Council gives SSL Hours and Reception for Students to attend their Town Hall

Montgomery County students could earn Student Service Learning Hours by attending the Montgomery County Council's youth town hall on November 29th.  They were also given a reception prior to the town hall.

Here is coverage of what the students said at this event:

Monday, December 4, 2017

Now on Oracle’s Campus, a $43 Million Public High School

Oracle builds a public charter school for $43million. Tell us again, how much does a public school in Montgomery County cost to build?

Story from The New York Times, reporter Natasha Singer. Full story here.

"Now Oracle, the business software services giant, is trying the opposite tack: bringing a public charter school to the company.
At its lush campus with a man-made lake here, Oracle is putting the finishing touches on a $43 million building that will house Design Tech High School, an existing charter school with 550 students. The sleek new school building has a two-story workshop space, called the Design Realization Garage, where students can create product prototypes. It has nooks in the hallways to foster student collaboration.
And when the school moves here in early January, Oracle employees will be available to mentor students in skills like business plan development and user-experience design.
Putting a charter school — that is, a publicly funded school that has its own school board and operates independently — on the campus of a tech giant is a new twist on the evolving relationship between big tech companies and schools."

MCPD and MCFRS in scene at Seneca Valley High School. The school has been evacuated after a number of students have been exposed to pepper spray

Leaders at D.C. charter school are out of jobs after teacher’s sex-abuse case (But Not in @mcps No Administrators are Held Accountable in Montgomery County!)

...In a five-page letter sent to parents this week, the school’s board disclosed that LAMB’s principal, Cristina Encinas, and student psychologist, Rosario Paredes, will leave their posts Dec. 15. The school’s executive director, Diane Cottman, will leave her job at the end of the school year, according to the letter.

“We believe that the administrators in charge failed to respond appropriately,” the board’s letter to parents said.

“Student safety is the most basic priority of any school, and the failure of administration to recognize the inappropriate behaviors as red flags and make appropriate decisions, has lead us to make administrative changes,” the letter stated...

Saturday, December 2, 2017

NBC4: Teen Girl Injured in Fight at Gaithersburg High School, Both Students Charged

Two Maryland high school students have been charged in connection to a fight at Gaithersburg High School in October.
Diana Melendez, 16, suffered a concussion in the fight and said another student started arguing with her in a girls bathroom at the school in October. The argument quickly turned into a fight.
"So she hit me and I hit her and then I remember going into the wall in between the sinks because I didn't want to fall into the sink and I remember hitting the back of my head on the cinder block wall," Diana said.
But the father of the other student told News4 Melendez assaulted his daughter and scratched her face.
He said his daughter was defending herself from Melendez. Gaithersburg police are investigating the fight and said the original report listed Melendez as the victim, but that as they developed more information they decided to charge both students.

On Thursday, a Gaithersburg High School employee leaked videos of fights at the school to News4. Diana's mother, Erika Melendez, contacted News4 after seeing the report...

MCPS Requests Removal of Comments from Parents' Coalition Blog

Here is the original post:

The Montgomery County Board of Education is a member of MABE, the Maryland Association of Boards of Education. Each year our Board of Education members attend the annual MABE convention in Ocean City, Maryland.  MABE and the convention are sponsored in part by vendors who then have exclusive access to our Board of Education members during the convention.  For example, one vendor is BoardDocs.  BoardDocs is now the vendor that is used to put up our local Board of Education's meeting minutes.  Were other vendors considered?

More on MABE:

Remember when it was discovered that a MCPS staff member went to London on a trip through Promethean, another no bid vendor who had begun to supply MCPS will thousands of Promethean Boards?

And there was this cocktail party with outside council:

Our request for expense reports:

Ironic that the Board of Education members want THEIR names removed from our blog on a post where students are requesting that their personal information be removed from MCPS data!

Friday, December 1, 2017

NBC4: Gaithersburg High School Employee Says Student Violence Out of Control

An employee at Gaithersburg High School says fights between students have gotten so out of control that even staff and teachers are at risk.

The employee leaked 10 cell phone videos of student fights, including one that shows students fighting on top of a security guard who tried to break up a brawl. Six students face disciplinary action for the fight, News4 first reported last week.

Full story and video at:

MoCo Fire & Rescue Tips for Parents

Tips for Parents

  • Tell your child to Never reveal personal information online.
  • Encourage your child to let you know of any suspicious Activity. If you are made aware of any crime or suspicious activity, notify authorities immediately.
  • Inform your child the risks of using suggestive names and be firm about not using them.
Children are at a higher risk to be victims of Internet crimes than most parents realize.  Don't be uninformed.  Understand the scope of the problem, facts and figures to identify the benefits of childhood Internet activity and where your child may be in danger online.