Wednesday, September 25, 2024

MCPS Sets Up "Committee" to Cover for Failure to Follow CESO Transportation Report Recommendations

The Montgomery County Board of Education tried to keep the comprehensive $168,380 Center for Effective School Operations (CESO) report from the public.  But the Parents' Coalition made the report public and ABC7 covered the extensive issues documented in the report.

In response to the ABC7 news story on August 21, 2024, the Board of Education and MCPS quickly set up a "committee" to meet once a month to "discuss" the CESO report.   

However, the CESO report actually had very specific recommendations and actions that MCPS was to take, some immediately.  One of the recommendations was to put a plan in place to implement some of the CESO recommendations prior to the MCPS FY 2026 Operating Budget planning.  

CESO believes that the planning for change should occur in time to support the FY2026 budget development cycle...[Deliverable #6 page 2]

The MCPS FY 2026 Operating Budget planning has already started, and submissions were due in September.  The "committee" has only had a "meet and greet."  

Why is a "committee" discussing the $168,380 CESO report and not the Montgomery County Board of Education?  

Why did the Montgomery County Board of Education shelve this report for 8 months? 

And who is on this "committee?"  Are vendors on this "committee?"  

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