Friday, February 21, 2014

We didn't really mean . . .

. . . to support your new bill as written, Senator Raskin, says the Montgomery County Board of Education.

The Montgomery County Board of Education, in a letter written by Board President Phil Kauffman, states that while the BOE supports one goal of Senator Raskin's proposed legislation, SB 460, Criminal Law, Person in a Position of Authority, Sexual Offenses with a Minor, they didn't really read the bill before they voted their support.  Oops.  According to the letter:

the Board is uncomfortable with the condition of the bill that establishes an exception for staff that is up to seven years older than a student who is at least 16 years old.


Advice to the Board:  Read the bill before the vote.  This one isn't that long, and the problems aren't hidden in legislative gobbledygook.  Just because the drafter, Jamie Raskin, has impeccable credentials, doesn't mean that he can write a good piece of legislation.

More advice:  Get rid of the staff member who presented the legislation to you for approval, but didn't disclose the "puppy love" exception.

Thanks Phil, better late than never.

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