Monday, June 10, 2019

MCPS Salaries over $200,000

This information is current as of October 2018.  This information does not include benefits or any other additional compensation.

Name, Position, Base Salary and Date of Hire:


  1. "The less you do, the more you make." -Author Unknown

  2. I don’t take issue with the salaries as much as the lack of accountability in MCPS from the top. MCPS is a large system and the compensation package would need to be healthy to attract the best candidates. Whether the Board chooses wisely is another issue. There are unions who negotiate administrative, teacher, and supporting services compensation.

    1. Don't you pay property taxes in this county?

  3. That Ikhide guy -- isn't he the guy who bought tires for his car by using the official MCPS credit card, then paid back MCPS only after he was caught in a news story?


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