Monday, March 27, 2023

Council wants Planning Board Member that will Overcrowd Schools: Council's Pick James Hedrick for Planning Board Supports Elimination of Housing Moratoriums in Areas with Crowded Schools.

Richard Montgomery High School parking lot classroom trailers.

More on why Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich would veto the Montgomery County Council's selection of James Hedrick as a member of the Montgomery County Planning Board. 


Elrich to Council: I Matter

...It’s also not surprising that he would veto [James] Hedrick.  I can’t speak to Elrich’s characterization of Hedrick’s temperament and social media statements.  But consider Hedrick’s responses to Greater Greater Washington’s questionnaire.  His positions included:

Wanting to build more than 100,000 housing units by 2040, a larger number than the planning department’s target of 60,000.

Support for the recently passed Thrive 2050 development plan.

Support for legalizing duplexes countywide.

Support for eliminating housing moratoriums in areas with crowded schools...

Elrich to Council: I Matter - Montgomery Perspective

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