Thursday, September 9, 2021

TODAY: Watch Interim Super. McKnight Violate BOE POLICY, Cut Out Parents, Skip Principals in Construction of NEW CELL TOWER @mocoboe @mcps

Today the Montgomery County Board of Education will vote to turn over the decision of whether or not to build a NEW cell tower at the Woodward High School site under construction to Interim Superintendent Monifa McKnight.  

If Montgomery County Interim Superintendent Monifa McKnight is given this power, she will make the decision without Board of Education review and without input from the school's parents, community or principal.  

The Woodward High School site is currently under construction.  On that property a new high school will be built, one that as of yet does not have any students or staff.  

Board of Education POLICY ECN specifically calls for input on the placement of a cell tower on a public school playground from school staff, the PTSA, and community groups: 

d) Impact on the school site and operations based on input from school staff, PTSA, community groups, and facilities staff.

But at this school site there is no school. There is no staff.  

There are no parents and no PTSA.  The school doesn't exist yet. 

So instead of waiting for the school to be built and following the Board of Education POLICY, Interim Superintendent Monifa McKnight wants the power to build the cell tower NOW so she can make the decision without hearing from school staff, PTSA or parents.  



If McKnight waits for the new high school to be built to build a NEW cell tower she already knows that parents will OPPOSE such a plan.  

When ever a cell tower has been publicly proposed for a MCPS school site parents have overwhelmingly OPPOSED those construction projects. 

1 comment:

  1. So the TEMPORARY Super asks the BOE to cede its authority to her to grant a PERMANENT cell tower lease for the PROPOSED TEMPORARY CELL TOWER. What a racket!!!


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