Dedicated to improving responsiveness and performance of Montgomery County Public Schools
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
New York Times: Starr said No to NYC Deputy Job
...It was unclear how long Ms. FariƱa planned to remain as chancellor. Mr. de Blasio had at one point considered appointing a deputy who might succeed her after a year or two, according to a person with knowledge of the process. But one such candidate, Dr. Starr, said he was not interested in the position, the person said.
CNN Money: Teacher tax break disappearing
No worries for administrators, sodas will still be included in their meetings!
CNN Money: Dozens of popular tax breaks are on the verge of disappearing.
...Teachers' expenses: The Educator Expense Deduction aims to help teachers cover the cost of classroom supplies like notebooks, pens and paper that their school doesn't reimburse them for. Elementary and secondary school teachers can qualify for deductions of up to $250 per year, even if they don't itemize.
Nearly 4 million teachers deducted $915 million in school expenses in 2010.
"If you haven't bought all the supplies you need for your classroom, it might be worth doing that before the end of the year and taking advantage of this credit," said Greg Rosica, Ernst & Young partner and contributing author to the EY Tax Guide 2014...
Apple Ballot,
Delegate Eric Luedtke,
Doug Prouty,
Jon Gerson
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Judge finds Rick Hess paid $30,000 for paper on school system .@mcpssuper
Remember Rick Hess? Superintendent Joshua Starr's MCPS book talk and MCPS podcast buddy?
...Administrative Law Judge Hollyce Farrell also found that the American Enterprise Institute, the contractor hired to complete the report, was paid a total of $30,000. Half of the payment came from the district and the other half was paid by the Douglas County School District Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Frederick M. Hess is the director of the American Enterprise Institute and the white paper is cited as "the Hess Report" because of his involvement.
In a March 22, 2013 email cited by the judge, the contractor wrote to the district's communications director to request guidance for the report.
The email said, in part, "We would prefer it if you would tell us what you want us to focus on, what is most worthy of attention, what you'd like to see written about and what your general angle on it (and the paper) is."
The finalized version of the report was released on Sept. 18 and cited by the district in a weekly newsletter sent to 85,000 subscribers. The final report uses superlatives like, "unusually ambitious," "remarkable," "bold," "illuminating" and "cage-busting leaders," to describe the reform agenda.Full article and Opinion at this link:
"The [administrative law judge] finds that the District spent public funds to influence the outcome of the Board election when it commissioned and paid $15,000 for the Hess Report," wrote Farrell in the decision signed on Dec. 24...
Saturday, December 28, 2013
No Election for You!
Citizens of District 5 can look forward to a new County Council representative who will be vetted and appointed by the sitting County Council members. Councilmember Valerie Ervin (D) announced her decision to vacate her seat on December 10th, saying she will step down on January 3rd. If she had stepped down by December 1, a real election would have been required. No need for elections, though! The new councilmember will be appointed by January 31st. The deadline to submit your letter of interest and resume is 5 pm on Wednesday, Jan 8, 2014. Interviews will be held beginning at 2pm on Friday, January 17th, according to this press release.
According to the press release, no need to actually live in District 5 at the time you apply! Just make sure you live there by the time of the appointment.
From the County Charter:Each applicant must be a registered voter in Montgomery County, registered to vote as a Democrat, and, at the time of appointment, a resident of Council District 5. Each resume submitted should include the applicant’s professional and civic experience, political party affiliation, home and office telephone numbers, and home and email addresses.
SECTION 106: Vacancies
A vacancy shall occur when
any member of the Council shall, prior to the expiration of the term for which
elected, die, resign the office or become disqualified for membership on the
Council or be removed from office. When a vacancy has occurred, a majority of
the remaining members of the Council shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy
within thirty days. An appointee to fill a vacancy, when succeeding a party
member, shall be a member of the same political party as the person elected to
such office at the time of election. If the Council has not acted within thirty
days, the County Executive shall appoint a person to fill
the vacancy within ten days thereafter. If a person having held the vacant
position was a member of a political party at the time of election, the person
appointed by the County
Executive shall be the
nominee of the County Central Committee of that party. An appointee shall serve
for the unexpired term of the previous member. Any member appointed to fill a
vacancy shall meet the same qualifications and residence requirements as the
previous member.
Time to Investigate Pearson in Texas by Jason Stanford
Time to Investigate Pearson in Texas by Jason Stanford
Thanks to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the charitable arm of testing giant Pearson will pay $7.7 million to end his investigation into whether it was illegally helping its for-profit parent company. This comes as a shock to Texans, where Pearson has an eye-popping $462-million testing contract, as opposed to New York where Pearson is only getting $32 million. The surprise isn’t that a special interest cut corners at taxpayers expense but that a state attorney general can investigate it. It’s simply not done here, but then again, why isn’t Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, now running for governor, investigating the Pearson Foundation?...
Friday, December 27, 2013
Superintendent Controversey Needs Investigation
Here is a copy of an article that recently appeared in The Baltimore Sun as a
Letter to the Editor.
Baltimore County Superintendent of Education Dr. Dallas Dance received a
job from SUPES Academy after providing that same company with an $857,000 contract with Baltimore
County Schools. This action has the appearance of a conflict of interest and
violation of the ethics laws. I have filed a formal request for an opinion by
the Ethics Commission which could be followed by an ethics complaint.
Dr. Dance receives a salary of $260,000 a year and presides
over a school system in turmoil. Baltimore County is in the process of
implementing a number of new programs including The Common Core Curriculum,
change in teacher evaluations, redistricting school zones, instituting a new
high school schedule and producing a 10 year facilities plan.
With the activity and chaos we have in our school
system, to the point where teachers have filed a grievance, Dr. Dance should not
have any spare time to devote to another job. The SUPES Academy which is under
investigation in Chicago was chosen by Dr. Dance as a non-bid
The decision by the Superintendent to drop his job with SUPES
is a minor concession. The $857,000 contract the Superintendent forced onto the
shoulders of the County taxpayers is a real problem. Moreover, the agreement is
designed to train principals and prospective principals. To my knowledge,
Baltimore County has a tradition of in-house training for their principals. Dr.
Dance, who graduated from SUPES Academy and is considered to be a qualified
instructor, should use his skills to train county principals and save the
taxpayers $875,000.
It never seems to amaze me how school boards agree to provide
Cadillac level contracts that allow educators to undertake outside income
producing ventures when they should be totally dedicated to their own school
systems. The Board needs to revise the Superintendent's contract and prevent him
from wandering off the farm.
My confidence in politically appointed school boards
disappeared a long time ago. There have been a whole series of incidents dating
back to the reign of Dr. Joe Hairston and beyond, where the actions of the board
have left the public scratching their heads or holding their nose. This failed
system needs reform. I have introduced legislation that will create an elected
hybrid school board that consists of 7 elected members, 1 from each Council
district and 4 at-large appointed by the County Executive. Faraway Governors
should not be selecting Baltimore County's educational leaders.
The government closest to the people governs best. Baltimore
County teachers, parents and children deserve better.
Serving the
Delegate Pat
EPA Not Entirely Confident Playground Turf Is Safe For Children
"EPA now admits that it has no idea about the extent of chemical exposure to children and athletes playing on these surfaces."
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
American Youth Policy Forum Recommended Reading and Resources
Check these out – recommended reading from the AYPF staff
Halve The Gap By 2030: Youth Disconnection in America’s Cities Measure of America
At the core of America is a shared belief that no matter how humble your origins, with hard work and perseverance, you can improve your prospects in life and give your children a shot at a secure and productive future. But today, the American Dream is at risk, and too often it’s your zip code that predetermines your destiny. The Opportunity Index focuses on the conditions present in different communities and is designed to connect economic, academic, civic and other factors together to help identify concrete solutions to lagging conditions for opportunity and economic mobility. From preschool enrollment to income inequality, from volunteerism to access to healthy food, expanding opportunity depends on the intersection of multiple factors. The Index measures 16 indicators, and scores all 50 states plus Washington, DC on a scale of 0-100 each year. In addition, more than 3,000 counties are graded A-F, giving policymakers and leaders a useful tool to identify areas for improvement and to gauge progress over time.
At the core of America is a shared belief that no matter how humble your origins, with hard work and perseverance, you can improve your prospects in life and give your children a shot at a secure and productive future. But today, the American Dream is at risk, and too often it’s your zip code that predetermines your destiny. The Opportunity Index focuses on the conditions present in different communities and is designed to connect economic, academic, civic and other factors together to help identify concrete solutions to lagging conditions for opportunity and economic mobility. From preschool enrollment to income inequality, from volunteerism to access to healthy food, expanding opportunity depends on the intersection of multiple factors. The Index measures 16 indicators, and scores all 50 states plus Washington, DC on a scale of 0-100 each year. In addition, more than 3,000 counties are graded A-F, giving policymakers and leaders a useful tool to identify areas for improvement and to gauge progress over time.
Reshaping the College Transition Community College Research Center
Based largely on interviews with stakeholders in California, New York, Tennessee, and West Virginia, this report describes how these states have established initiatives related to early college readiness assessments and transition curricula. It then compares the development of these interventions across states and identifies factors that have facilitated or hindered their implementation.
Findings suggest that strong collaboration between the K-12 and higher education sectors in developing such initiatives is essential for ensuring that the skills and knowledge taught and assessed in high school are well-aligned with those needed for success in college. What is more, program designers need to carefully consider competing priorities concerning initiative goals, populations served, and course content. The study also suggests that state-level commitment to improving college readiness in the form of legislation may be helpful in building support and momentum.
With all 50 states and the District of Columbia having adopted college- and career-ready standards, Achieve's eighth annual "Closing the Expectations Gap" report shows how all states are aligning those standards with policies and practice to better ensure that all students are academically prepared for life after high school.
The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF), a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional development organization based in Washington, DC, provides learning opportunities for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers working on youth and education issues at the national, state, and local levels.
AYPF events and publications are made possible by a consortium of philanthropic foundations: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, William T. Grant Foundation, The Wallace Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and others.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Something to hide...
The government’s lack of transparency inevitably and inherently breeds distrust of our public officials. Just as a court may take a negative inference against a party for repeated discovery failures, it is fair to assume that our government has something to hide when it violates the Open Meetings Act.>
PISA: How did our 15-year-olds do?
Here is the report for the United States on the 2012 international exams sponsored by the Programme for International Student Assessment.
Some highlights:
Some highlights:
While the U.S. spends
more per student than most countries, this does not translate into better
performance. For example, the Slovak Republic, which spends around USD 53 000 per student,
performs at the same level as the United States, which spends over
USD 115 000 per student.
• Reading data
directly from tables and diagrams – requiring students only to understand a
short text and read single values directly from a representation provided such
as a table or a bar diagram
• Simple
handling of data from tables and diagrams – requiring students to understand a
short text, read two values from a given representation, and then perform some
straightforward operation such as adding or comparing the values
• Handling directly manageable formulae –
requiring students to use a formula provided, e.g. inserting numbers for
variables, and do some easy calculation. The formulae can be used directly,
without any re-structuring.
• Use of the
number Ļ (pi) – requiring students to make explicit use of the number Ļ (pi) in a
• Substantial
mathematization of a real-world situation – requiring students to establish a
mathematical model of a given real-world situation in the form of a term or an
equation with variables for geometric or physical quantities, before further
actions (especially calculations) can take place. Students have to understand
the situation and activate and apply the appropriate mathematical content
• Genuine
interpretation of real-world aspects – requiring students to take a given
real-world situation seriously and properly interpret aspects of it
• Reasoning in
a geometric context – requiring authentic reasoning in a planar or spatial geometric
context by using geometric concepts and facts
• U.S.
students have particular problems with mathematical literacy tasks where the
students have to use the mathematics they have learned in a well-founded
manner. Given that even in more demanding tasks some basic skills are
nevertheless needed, an implication of the findings is that much more focus is
needed on higher-order activities, such as those involving mathematical
modeling (understanding real world situations, translating them into
mathematical models, and interpreting mathematical results), without neglecting
the basic skills needed for these activities
Math Education,
Pearson Education Inc,
Is MCPS putting "fish food" in our streams, lakes and rivers?
Crumb Rubber leaving the artificial turf football field at Blair High School. |
Where do those tiny rubber balls end up when they wash off the fields?
The New York Times: Scientists Turn Their Gaze Toward Tiny Threats to Great Lakes
Monday, December 23, 2013
Alert -- Missing Child
Update: Mr. Kim is home and well.
A-L-E-R-T: Abraham "Abe" Kim has been missing since 8:00am Monday, Dec. 23 when he left home for swim practice at the Montgomery Aquatic Center. He never showed up to practice or contacted any of his friends. If anyone in the Maryland area has seen him, p-l-e-a-s-e contact the Youssefianis at 202.744.8985. State Police has been alerted. Thanks
A-L-E-R-T: Abraham "Abe" Kim has been missing since 8:00am Monday, Dec. 23 when he left home for swim practice at the Montgomery Aquatic Center. He never showed up to practice or contacted any of his friends. If anyone in the Maryland area has seen him, p-l-e-a-s-e contact the Youssefianis at 202.744.8985. State Police has been alerted. Thanks
Abe Kim is approx. 16 years old, 5'11" with dark hair and glasses.
PISA 2012: Compare Your Country
Want to compare the U.S. PISA results with results from other countries? Here you go.
Math Education,
Pearson Education Inc,
Sunday, December 22, 2013
From The Economist, December 7, 2013. To read the entire article and see a comparative country results chart go here. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test results are here. Want to try the PISA math test questions? Go here.
WHEN the first Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA) tests to focus on maths results were published a decade ago, Finland’s
blue-cross flag fluttered near the top of the rankings. Its pupils excelled at
numeracy, and topped the table in science and reading. Education reformers
found the prospect of non-selective, high-achieving and low-stress education
Every three years since then, 15-year-olds have sat PISA tests in maths,
reading and science. In 2012 fully 500,000 heads were bent over desks for the
exam in 65 countries or cities. The results, published on December 3rd, doled
out a large helping of humble pie to Europe’s
former champion. Finland
has fallen by 22 points on its 2009 result, with smaller falls (12 points and
9) in reading and science. “The golden days are over,” lamented the Finnbay
news website.
As Finns argue about how to retain their pre-eminence, many
other countries in the West still envy it—as well as the progress of rapid
improvers such as Estonia and Poland. France
and Germany,
in contrast, have flatlined. America’s
dire showing led Arne Duncan, the education secretary, to decry “a picture of
educational stagnation”, with Americans being “out-educated” by the Chinese.
Some hope for a motivating shock like that delivered in 1957 by the Soviet
Sputnik launch.
Get me into orbit
More important than individual country scores are the
underlying trends. Asian systems are clearly no longer just hothouses for
swots. Their best performers have briskly extended opportunity to children of
poorer families, narrowing the achievement gap. Chinese officials say other big
urban centres will emulate Shanghai’s
stellar results by 2029.
Andreas Schleicher, who runs the PISA
tests on behalf of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
a Paris-based think-tank for rich countries, notes that well over half of Shanghai’s pupils had a “deep conceptual knowledge” of
maths, as opposed to around 13% in middling countries like Britain. That pertained even for
those from disadvantaged backgrounds: “a remarkable performance”, concludes Mr
Pearson Education Inc,
Winter vacation!
WPost Ignores Kids with Learning Disabilities, Writes about Private No Bid Tutoring Service
Remember the George B. Thomas Saturday School that refuses to tutor students with learning disabilities while receiving over $1 million in public tax dollars?
Here's The Washington Post's story about the program today.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
WPost: Who de Blasio really wanted as NYC schools chancellor
Among the people who have been considered at one point or another in the decision-making process are, according to sources, Joshua Starr, Montgomery County Public Schools superintendent, who has good union relations and who became nationally known when he called for a three-year moratorium on standardized testing last year;...
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Gazette: King to submit bill seeking MSA waiver
Parents and teachers who don’t want students to take the soon-to-be phased-out Maryland School Assessment tests this year have gained an ally in the state legislature.
State Sen. Nancy J. King (D-Dist. 39) of Montgomery Village said Monday she is drafting emergency legislation that would direct the Maryland State Department of Education to apply for a waiver from the federal government so schools can bypass the test this year.
The bill will be submitted the first day of the General Assembly’s session, King said.
The annual test has been used to assess elementary and middle school students’ performance but Maryland is now transitioning to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers test, a new state assessment that aligns with the Common Core State Standards.
The PARCC test — which will be piloted in some Montgomery County schools this year — will not be fully implemented in Maryland until next school year.
King said she has heard from teachers, parents and others who are concerned that the MSA tests don’t align with schools’ curriculums — which are based on the Common Core standards — and will waste instructional time and won’t benefit the students.
“It’s exhausting for these kids to take these tests,” she said. “They take so much time preparing for it.”
The Sentinel: Starr asks for $2.28 billion MCPS operating budget
...Starr’s recommendation represents a $56.4 million increase—about 2.5 percent—from the current budget and is about one percent above the minimum county funding floor.
Starr said the 85 percent of the increase, or $21.9 million, is for enrollment growth which has risen to 151,289 students this year and is projected to continue growing. An additional $26 million is for continuing salaries, employee benefits and keeping up with inflation. Starr also recommends a $1.78 million increase for administrative salaries and wages a year after recommending a decrease... full article at The Sentinel
The Sentinel: Surrender the pink:
County Schools to eliminate strawberry milk from menu following parent concerns
The SentinelBethesda Now; Morning Notes
Budgetpalooza — A group of local watchdog organizations are gathering in February to analyze the proposed Montgomery County Public Schools operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Montgomery County Civic Federation, Montgomery County Taxpayers League and frequent MCPS critic the Parents’ Coalition of Montgomery County will host a second annual budgetpalooza on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at the Rockville Memorial Library. [Budgetpalooza]
Exclusive Video: MCPS Staff Complain "No Sodas" at BOE Retreat
The Parents' Coalition has a short video from the end of the December 17, 2013, off-site/off-camera Board of Education Retreat at the Universities at Shady Grove.
In this video you can hear the participants summing up what worked at the meeting and what didn't work.
At minute 15:27 you can hear Deputy Superintendent Kim Statham's answer to "what didn't work well": "No sodas."
While MCPS classroom teachers are buying classroom supplies with their own money, MCPS administrators complain that there is "no soda" at a meeting. This is an excellent example of the disconnect between administrators and classrooms.
In this video you can hear the participants summing up what worked at the meeting and what didn't work.
At minute 15:27 you can hear Deputy Superintendent Kim Statham's answer to "what didn't work well": "No sodas."
While MCPS classroom teachers are buying classroom supplies with their own money, MCPS administrators complain that there is "no soda" at a meeting. This is an excellent example of the disconnect between administrators and classrooms.
Starr met with Ravitch, Ravitch now on De Blasio Inaugural Committee
Education expert Diane Ravitch — a critic of Mayor Bloomberg’s policies — was appointed to the committee, alongside a retired principal and a parent activist.Read more:
MCPS Superintendent Joshua Starr's receipt showing his meeting with Diane Ravitch in New York City.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
$25 Lunch for @mcpssuper? Buon Appetito!
Should the Superintendent of Schools be charging taxpayers for a $25.00 lunch at one of Rockville's nicest restaurants, Il Pizzico Ristorante?
While classroom teachers are spending their own money for classroom supplies, our "Equity Warrior" superintendent is lunching at a favored spot of other MCPS folks who didn't hesitate to use their taxpayer-funded American Express card to enjoy the varied selection of seafood,
meats, and home made pastas.
Above is a sample menu for the elementary age students. Hot dogs? Chicken Nuggets? Mac 'n Cheese? Forget learning how to be a computer programmer, and all that "Hour of Code" nonsense. The food is better in Education Administration.
@mcpssuper and @mocoboe Spend $27K on "Harvard" in FY 2013. Why?
Don't know what it is about Harvard that is so compelling for the self-proclaimed "Equity Warrior" superintendent Joshua Starr and his sycophant Board of Education.
Is it the fact that someone from Harvard wrote a book about MCPS?
If someone is wondering just how much of Montgomery County tax dollars are flowing to Harvard, it should be a simple thing to just look it up in the MCPS Funding Accountability and Transparency Database, right?
Fooled you! If you want to see how much money MCPS spent last fiscal year on "Harvard," you have to look under the letter "T." Seriously.
You gotta see it to believe it!
What the database doesn't tell us is what our MCPS students got for the $27,000 that MCPS paid to "The President and Fellows of Harvard College."
Is it the fact that someone from Harvard wrote a book about MCPS?
If someone is wondering just how much of Montgomery County tax dollars are flowing to Harvard, it should be a simple thing to just look it up in the MCPS Funding Accountability and Transparency Database, right?
Fooled you! If you want to see how much money MCPS spent last fiscal year on "Harvard," you have to look under the letter "T." Seriously.
You gotta see it to believe it!
What the database doesn't tell us is what our MCPS students got for the $27,000 that MCPS paid to "The President and Fellows of Harvard College."
Gazette: BOE Barclay wants Ervin's spot on County Council
...Barclay said he’s “definitely interested” in taking Ervin’s spot on the council.
“I have a few more decisions to make, but we’ll see in the near future,” he said.
Barclay said he is close friends with Ervin and will keep in touch with her as she moves on to her new position.
The Board of Education has been a springboard for political candidates in the past, including Ervin and Councilwoman Nancy Navarro (D-Dist. 4) of Silver Spring, Sen. Nancy King (D-Dist. 39) of Montgomery Village and Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez (D-Dist. 18) of Chevy Chase. Former council members Marilyn Praisner and Blair Ewing also served on the school board first.
Rice has said he hopes the appointee would be able to take the same committee assignments as Ervin, who chaired the council’s Education Committee and served on the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee.
The appointee likely would become a member of the Education Committee. One of the other two members — Rice or Councilman Phil Andrews (D-Dist. 3) of Gaithersburg — would become chairman, Rice said...
NYT: Wanted: Schools Chief Who Has Never Crossed de Blasio on Education [.@mcpssuper]
...Mr. de Blasio has been consulting with education figures, like the education historian Diane Ravitch, but he, too, is conducting his search largely in private...
See previous post on Diane Ravitch and Joshua Starr meeting.
Starr puts kids ON Twitter, now wants Parents to get them OFF
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Twitter has even been introduced to the MCPS elementary school curriculum. Images of Tweets by students have gone out on Twitter and elementary students are now using Twitter to chronicle their school day.
Here's a blog describing how one MCPS elementary school uses Twitter.
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CV: I’m looking forward to making use of our class Twitter account. The 5th grade team has made it a job in our classrooms for kids to create tweets throughout the day...
Yet, in Superintendent Starr's recent letter on Twitter usage he states:
"Also, remember, if your child is under 13, do not allow them to use social media—they aren’t ready for it and it is a violation of the user agreements or guidelines for nearly all major social media sites. If your child is 13 or older, please consider whether they are ready to use social media."
We are pretty sure that the vast majority of elementary school students are, in fact, under 13.
How does Superintendent Starr reconcile what he is permitting in MCPS classrooms with what he is telling parents?
American Youth Policy Forum Upcoming Events
Webinar – Social, Emotional and Physical Well-Being for Youth in Transition from the Foster Care System, Wednesday, December 18th, 1:00-2:00 p.m. 
Youth in the foster care system face multiple and unique challenges on the path to educational and lifelong success. In addition to physical health risks and academic difficulties, these youth are more likely to suffer from social-emotional challenges that affect their long-term well-being. In order to support youth in foster care as they transition out of the system and into healthy, successful lives, many programs are relying on social-emotional approaches. These approaches include trauma-based interventions, counseling services, and long-term relationships with youth even after they have left the foster care system. The American Youth Policy Forum will host a webinar on December 18th entitled “Social, Emotional and Physical Well-Being for Youth in Transition from the Foster Care System,” which will focus on program and policy supports that reinforce the social-emotional health of youth in the foster care system as they transition into college, careers, and beyond.
Highlighting the report “Connected by 25,” this webinar will feature Barbara Langford of the Youth Transition Funders Group - Foster Care Workgroup; Wayne Sims, President and Chief Executive Officer, KVC Health Systems, Inc.; and Mary Lee, National Transitional Living Coordinator, Youth Villages.
While the GED strives to provide a pathway for many students to transition to postsecondary education and the workforce, studies have shown that in practice many GED prep programs fall short of this goal. According to a 2009 report published by the GED Testing Service, only about one-in-three GED holders enrolled in at least one postsecondary institution five years after attaining their GED; 77 percent of those individuals dropped out after one semester; and only 17 percent of individuals earned a postsecondary credential. In order for the GED to live up to its potential to provide a viable alternative for youth to progress to and through postsecondary education, GED programs must re-evaluate the supports and services they provide to their students.
This Capitol Hill forum, co-sponsored by MDRC, will explore the history of the GED and highlight best practices at LaGuardia Community College’s GED Bridge Program. Richard J. Murnane, Professor of Education and Society at Harvard Graduate School of Education will provide an overview of the historic trends and value of GED attainment to participating youth. Gail O. Mellow, President of LaGuardia Community College, will then discuss the development and implementation of the GED Bridge Program at LaGuardia. Vanessa Martin, Senior Associate at MDRC will present the results of MDRC’s GED Bridge Program evaluation and highlight opportunities for future research. Finally, Elizabeth Zachry Rutschow, Research Associate at MDRC, will discuss policy implications and highlight future opportunities within federal policy to support successful programming.
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Gazette: Montgomery Board of Ed Asks @MCPSSUPER For Plan to Address #RockTerrace funds
By Lindsay Powers, Gazette Staff Writer, December 17, 2013
To read the whole Gazette story, CLICK HERE.
"The Montgomery County Board of Education has asked Superintendent Joshua P. Starr to come up with recommendations or a proposed plan to address funds that were withdrawn from Rock Terrace School student bank accounts, according to a Dec. 9 letter to a school parent from the county school system’s chief operating officer Larry Bowers."
To read the whole Gazette story, CLICK HERE.
Dec. 19th: 6 Room Addition for Arcola Elem. School before Planning Board
WHEATON, Arcola Elementary School Addition, Mandatory Referral for request to build a 6 classroom, two-story addition, on 5 acres in R-90 Zone at 1820 Franwall Ave
WHEATON, Arcola Elementary School Addition, Mandatory Referral for request to build a 6 classroom, two-story addition, on 5 acres in R-90 Zone at 1820 Franwall Ave
Delegate Calls For Ethics Probe Of Baltimore County School Chief - WBFF FoxBaltimore - Top Stories
Delegate Calls For Ethics Probe Of Baltimore County School Chief - WBFF FoxBaltimore - Top Stories
State Delegate Pat McDonough is calling for the state's ethics board to investigate a consulting contract given to Baltimore county superintendent Dr. Dallas Dance by a company already doing business with the school system. McDonough told FOX45 he wants the $15,000 payout from a company called SUPES Academy investigated for possible violations of the state's ethic's code. "It's a very serious issue and I've sent a letter to the board," Del. McDonough told FOX45. "Dr. Dance's contract has to be revised, no outside work; we have a lot of work to do in Baltimore County." McDonough added, "Under the contract that Dr. Dance has with the board he's supposed to report these things but its written so vaguely...It's obviously quid-pro-quo, it's a conflict of interest and it's an ethical violation at least." The Baltimore Sun reported that Dance was hired by the firm to train principals in Chicago after it received a $875,000 training contract from the county school system to train administrators.Read More at:
Edison High School Open House Jan 8th
Thomas Edison High School of Technology’s Annual Open House:
January 8, 2014, 5-8pm
Thomas Edison High School of Technology
12501 Dalewood Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20906
· Meet Teachers
· See Live Demonstrations
· Learn All About our Programs
· Apply In Person
If you attend this event, remember that a public school education is FREE in Maryland. The fees that administrators try to charge students for the Edison HS programs are illegal.
Sign up for classes, but just say NO to the illegal fees!
curricular fees,
Edison High School,
illegal fees
Monday, December 16, 2013
25% of Montgomery College Fall 2013 are from MCPS
- Looking at Fall 2013 student profile: Montgomery College's draw rate of June 2013 MCPS graduates was 25%. @mcpssuper @MCPS
- @DrPollard_MC @mcpssuper what % of incoming students needed remediation in math?
- @LydaAstrove @mcpssuper Of all new students, 58% tested needing dev math. That number rises to 74% when AELP students are removed. Thanks!
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